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Showing posts with label TIPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TIPS. Show all posts

Friday, 9 August 2019

KTU B.Tech final year Project and Seminar Details

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Thursday, 25 July 2019

Contact Course In KTU | Clarification on Contact Courses

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What Is Contact Course In KTU ?

The Contact Course is a 20-hour class by a faculty concerned to a particular subject. The Class is organized by the College on the written request of a student.
The Contact course registration is considered as a fresh course registration.
The Faculty or teacher concerned will conduct the internal evaluation procedures and will allow the marks as per the regulations.

A student can register for the contact course if he or she has to earn credit for only one course (FE IN ONE COURSE / COURSE INCOMPLETE / NOT F ) for the degree after completing  8 semesters studies.
The Final Examination for the contact course will be conducted by the college under the monitoring of an external academic auditor.The Question Paper for the same will be distributed by the controller of exams.
The Maximum Grade that a student can gain after the contact course is C. No grade above that will be provided.

Friday, 19 July 2019


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This student grievance redressal portal aims to function as an intermediary between the students, Universities, Institutions and the Ministry of Higher Education. The portal is made available to students studying in various Universities and Institutions across Kerala. Each grievance will be rightly handled by nodal officers at the University and Institution levels, and also will be closely monitored by the Office of the Higher Education Minister


  • Create an Account
  • Verify OTP to activate account
    • An OTP will be sent to your mobile number. Login using the username and password and click on 'OTP Verification' tab and enter the OTP to activate your account
  • Submit your Grievance
    • Once the OTP has been verified, you can submit your grievances


Grievance submission
Submit grievances related to academics, examination, results, complaints and suggestions related to institutions, management and universities.

Nodal officer in Universities
A nodal officer at each University/Institution will attend the grievances received and will forward it to the concerned personnel for redressel actions. Portal will be updated with most recent information.

Status Updates
Comments and actions taken at each level will be updated in the portal

Continuous monitoring by Minister's Office
Portal will be monitored by Minister's Office and necessary actions will be taken for delayed responses towards grievances submitted.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

TCS National Qualifier Test 2020 | Apply Now

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An Overview

About TNQT:
TCS National Qualifier Test also called the TNQT test, is a nationwide online test with students of the year of passing (YOP) 2020 can appear for it.
This test is essential for every student or applicant or aspirant seeking for great career opportunities with TCS.
TNQT Eligibility:
Full Time Graduates from B.E / B.Tech / M.E / M.Tech / M.Sc / MCA – 2020 YOP
Eligible Streams: 
      -  UG / PG – All Engineering Streams
      -  M.Sc – Computer Science & Information Technology and related streams
      -  MCA – MCA with B.Sc / BCA / B.Com / BA (with Maths / Statistics)
% Criteria – 60% throughout Academics in X / XII / UG / Diploma / PG
Backlog Criteria – 1 Active Backlog at the time of appearing for the Exam
Gap Criteria – Overall Gap in Academic Career not to exceed 2 years
Important dates:
Registration Starting on7th June 2019
Registration Closing on24th July 2019
Hall Ticket Issue31st July 2019
Online Test3rd and 4th August 2019
InterviewFrom 9th August 2019

About the Test:
The TNQT is a 90 minutes test.
It comprises of 4 sections: English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Programming Concepts & Coding.
Note: Even if you have a CT or a DT number your candidature for TNQT of 2020 will be considered only after completing the below-mentioned steps:
  • Successful Registration of Application Form.
  • Successful completion of the Registration and Application form in the Next Step.
  • Clicking on 'Apply For Drive'
In case, you have accidentally entered incorrect data you can log in to and make necessary changes.
So Hurry! Register Today:

Saturday, 6 July 2019




 A resume is a one-page summary of your work and school experiences. Employers match your resume against their job openings to evaluate if you'd be a good fit. As such, it's important to make your resume a good representation of yourself. Here's how, step by

1. Decide Which Type Of Resume You Want.
There are three types of Resumes: chronological, functional and combination. You might want to consider more than one format of Resume if you're applying for multiple jobs.

is the most traditional format and lists experiences according to the order in which they took place. These Resumes generally appeal to older readers and may be best suited for a conservative field.

is a type of resume that lists your experiences according to skill. This is the format to use if you're changing career direction (and lack direct work experience). Because it displays your skills first, your work experience, or lack thereof, is not the main focus.

combines the best aspects of the chronological and functional styles. Be careful with length for this format; the resume can quickly get long.

 2. Create A Header.
A header should include your name, phone number and email address. You can also include your mailing address, but leave it out if you plan to post your resume online.

Use a phone number that you plan to answer and change your voice mail to a more professional message if necessary.
Make sure your email address is professional. If your current email address, for example, is [email protected] or [email protected], it's time to set up a new email, such as [email protected] or [email protected].

3. Write A Summary.
In one or two sentences, summarize your work experience and relevant skills. Keep this strong and simple.

The summary can be useful to explain why you're applying for a role that is a departure from your career path.
You don't have to include a summary, especially if your experience speaks for itself and is relevant to the jobs you're applying for.

4. List Your Experiences Or Skills.
Starting with your most recent or current job, list your previous work experiences.

This section shows where you have worked and when. It also states specific accomplishments for each position or job.
This is where content can make your resume run over a page, so be selective (if necessary) about what you include.
Pick experiences that seem most relevant to the position you seek. For inspiration, think of your full-time or part-time work, summer jobs, occasional jobs, internships, fieldwork and special projects.
Don't worry whether your experiences are "good enough." Employers admire people who have worked hard in a variety of positions.
Always start each achievement with an accomplishment verb, like accelerated, achieved, expanded, influenced, solved, maintained, generated, effected, advised, controlled, trained or utilized.
Don't worry if there are gaps in the time line, but keep everything in chronological order, with most recent jobs at the top.

Southwestern Writing Center, Peer Writing Tutor, Yuma, AZ

April 2014–Present- Tutored students in writing for all disciplines.- Critiqued peers' writing.

Camp Granite Falls, Area Director, Mountainville, TNJune 2011–September 2015- Directed staff of four while supervising 20 campers.- Taught crafts, sports and cooking.

The "skills" section of your resume is a place where you can show your strengths and individuality. Start by stating each skill. Then back it up with a two- to three-line explanation of how you learned that skill or why you believe you have it. Make these entries short, clear and to the point.

List skills that are most relevant to the job you seek. Think about what the employer is looking for in relation to what you've done and who you are as a person.
Don't forget to list computer programs you've had experience with; proficiency can be seen as added value.

Self-Motivated: Pro actively organized volunteers to assist with distribution at the community food bank.

Bookkeeping: Maintained accurate, detailed inventory reports at school library and subsequently won Top Librarian Assistant award three months straight for Brown County.

5. List Your Activities.

List activities in which you have participated and include what your specific role was in each.

This is the place to note membership or leadership positions in clubs, organizations of any kind, athletic teams, community organizations and so on.
If you've had an interesting job unrelated to the field you're pursuing—such as reading to blind children or teaching English as a second language (ESL)—add it here. Employers are always looking for people with diverse backgrounds to work for them.

Track Team: Team Captain, Senior Year. Fall 2016–Spring 2013.

Drama Club: "Crazy for You" and "West Side Story." Fall 2017 and 2014.

6. List Your Education.

List the schools you've attended, starting with the most recent one. Include details such as GPA, class rank or special awards.
Add any other educational experiences, such as training programs, community college or summer courses, seminars and so on.

Oldham County High School, Oldham, PA. 3.8 GPA. Anticipated Graduation: June 2015.

Bellville Adult Education, Bellville, NY. Introduction to Web Design. September 2012.

7. List Any Awards You've Won And When You Won Them.

When you've been recognized by someone else, you should let potential employers know about it. But you shouldn't worry if you haven't received any awards; just skip this section.


Richmond County National Essay Contest, Honorable Mention, May 2006.

Honor Roll, South Satchewan High School, Junior and Senior Years, 2008–2010.

8. List Your Personal Interests.

This section shows you're a well-rounded person who people would want to know and work with.
Employers often use this section at the start of an interview to break the ice.
Casual interests are better not to list (e.g., napping, watching reality TV, gossiping). This is really about highlighting hobbies that have helped you grow as a person.
This rEsumE step is considered optional. If you're having trouble coming up with interests, or feel your resume is already too long, feel free to leave it off.

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Tuesday, 2 July 2019

How to take an online Coursera course for free

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What is MOOCs?

A massive open online course (MOOC) is a free Web-based distance learning program that is designed for the participation of large numbers of geographically dispersed students. A MOOC may be patterned on a college or university course or may be less structured.

Is there any Activity point for MOOCs by KTU?

What is Coursera?

Coursera works with universities and other organizations to offer online courses, specializations, and degrees in a variety of subjects, such as engineering, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, digital marketing, data science, and others.

How to take a Coursera course for free ?

  • Step one
Go to Login/Signup to account

  • Step 2
Search the needed course on the search bar (eg :Machine learning) and select one from the listed course
  • Step 3
Click on Financial aid available

  • Step 4
Click on Continue the application

  • Step 5
Fill the form and Click Continue

  • Step 6
Fill the form as shown below

Paste the Answers for: (Make changes in the answers to your wish)

Why are you applying for financial aid?

I have currently joined for computer science engineering in one of the most prestigious colleges in India. 
Recently, we had been given an assignment to complete a course on the basics of __(Paste Name of Course you selected here)____ within three to five months. We had been given this since our tutor had thought it would be an additional benefit when it comes to college placements and it would be easier to understand what is taught in class for students who have earlier had no information on the subject.
As I am currently residing in the college accommodation and we have no internships until we finish two semesters, I cannot possible pay up for this course. Also, the allowance I've been granted is not sufficient enough to meet the course fee. 
It would be a great honor if I am granted the financial aid to acquire the certificate from your esteemed organization. 
I look forward to take up many other courses as I want to excel in my field of studies with the help of Coursera.

How will taking this course help you achieve your  career goals ?

The importance of education is one thing that I am completely aware of ever since I was a young child. I have seen a lot of people that had to struggle in their lives because of the lack of education. Earlier in my life, my parents had made a promise to do whatever they can to inculcate the value of education in me. 
The certificate that I will earn when I complete this course will be a key element in my collection of certificates which I can proudly present whilst in an interview. Also, it will be a stepping stone for me in class as I have no previous knowledge of computer programming or __(Paste Name of Course you selected here)__ as I was a Bio and Math major. 
My bachelor's degree in computer science technology along with various other courses that I would enroll for in the future at Coursera would really help me out in the four years that I will spend in college.

If you answered No. please understand why.

I would not like a low interest loan as I would find it difficult to repay it later.  
In case I haven't got a job, it would be really hard for me to pay back the loan on time.

  • Step 7
Click Submit application

You will receive mail when your financial aid is approved. it may take 15 days minimum


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