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Showing posts with label LAB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LAB. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 April 2019

KTU CS334 Microprocessor Lab Manual

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8086 Microprocessor is an enhanced version of 8085Microprocessor that was designed by Intel in 1976. It is a 16-bit Microprocessor having 20 address lines and16 data lines that provides up to 1MB storage. It consists of powerful instruction set, which provides operations like multiplication and division easily. It supports two modes of operation, i.e. Maximum mode and Minimum mode. Maximum mode is suitable for system having multiple processors and Minimum mode is suitable for system having a single processor.

KTU CS332 Network Programming Lab Programs

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Network Lab manual comprises of operating systems programs and network programs. The algorithms for operating system programs have been taken from Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne while those for network programs from Computer Networking, A top down approach, by Kurose and Ross. Screenshots are provided for programs which have just a screen full of output, while for larger outputs, copies of outputs are given. I would like to thank Mr Jiju of IT Department for providing the simulation of Network configuration, and MTech students Ms Nusrath, and Ms Sumaiya for providing simulations using NS2 simulator. The programs were developed using Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS on Intel core i3 machine with 3.8 GB RAM.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018


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Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize students with digital ICs, the building blocks of digital circuits
2. To provide students the opportunity to set up different types of digital circuits and study their behaviour
List of Exercises/Experiments : ( minimum 12 exercises/experiments are mandatory) 1.Familiarizations and verification of the truth tables of basic gates and universal gates.
2. Verification of Demorgan's laws for two variables.
3. Implementation of half adder and full adder circuits using logic gates.
4. Implementation of half subtractor and full subtractor circuits using logic gates.
5. Implementation of parallel adder circuit.
6. Realization of 4 bit adder/subtractor and BCD adder circuits using IC 7483.
7. Implementation of a 2 bit magnitude comparator circuit using logic gates.
8. Design and implementation of code convertor circuits
9. a)  BCD to excess 3 code   b) binary to gray code
10. Implementation of multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits using logic gates. Familiarization with various multiplexer and demultiplexer ICs.
11. Realization of combinational circuits using multiplexer/demultiplexer ICs.
12. Implementation of SR, D, JK, JK master slave and T flip flops using logic gates. Familiarization with IC 7474 and IC 7476.
13. Implementation of shift registers  using flip flop Integrated Circuits.
14. Implementation of ring counter and Johnson counter using flip flop Integrated Circuits.
15. Realization of asynchronous counters using flip flop ICs.
16. Realization of synchronous counters using flip flop ICs. Familiarization with various counter Integrated Circuits.
17. Implementation of a BCD to 7 segment decoder and display.
18. Simulation of Half adder, Full adder using VHDL.
(Note: The experiments may be done using hardware components and/or VHDL)

Course outcome: Students will be able to: 
1. identify and explain the digital ICs and their use in implementing digital circuits.
 2. design and implement different kinds of digital circuits.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

CS232 Free and Open Source Software Lab Materials

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Download Free and Open Source Software Lab Materials

Curriculum FOSSLabDownload
Introduction to gitDownload

Course Objectives: To expose students to FOSS environment and introduce them to use open
source packages in open source platform.

List of Exercises/Experiments:
1. Getting started with Linux basic commands for directory operations, displaying directory
structure in tree format etc.
2. Linux commands for operations such as redirection, pipes, filters, job control, changing
ownership/permissions of files/links/directory.
3. Advanced linux commands curl, wget, ftp, ssh and grep
4. Shell Programming : Write shell script to show various system configuration like
 Currently logged user and his login name
 Your current shell
 Your home directory
 Your operating system type
 Your current path setting
 Your current working directory
 Number of users currently logged in
5. Write shell script to show various system configurations like
 your OS and version, release number, kernel version
 all available shells
 computer CPU information like processor type, speed etc
 memory information
 hard disk information like size of hard-disk, cache memory, model etc
 File system (Mounted)
6. Write a shell script to implement a menu driven calculator with following functions

1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division
5. Modulus
7. Write a script called addnames that is to be called as follows
./addnames ulist username
Here ulist is the name of the file that contains list of user names and username is a
particular student's username. The script should
 check that the correct number of arguments was received and print a message, in case the
number of arguments is incorrect
 check whether the ulist file exists and print an error message if it does not
 check whether the username already exists in the file. If the username exists, print a
message stating that the name already exists. Otherwise, add the username to the end of
the list.

8. Version Control System setup and usage using GIT. Try the following features.
 Creating a repository
 Checking out a repository
 Adding content to the repository
 Committing the data to a repository
 Updating the local copy
 Comparing different revisions
 Revert
 Conflicts and a conflict Resolution
9. Shell script which starts on system boot up and kills every process which uses more than a
specified amount of memory or CPU.
10. Introduction to packet management system : Given a set of RPM or DEB, build and
maintain, and serve packages over http or ftp. Configure client systems to access the package
11. Perform simple text processing using Perl, Awk.
12. Running PHP : simple applications like login forms after setting up a LAMP stack
13. Virtualisation environment (e.g., xen, kqemu, virtualbox or lguest) to test applications, new
kernels and isolate applications. It could also be used to expose students to other alternate OS
such as freeBSD
14. Compiling from source : learn about the various build systems used like the auto* family,
cmake, ant etc. instead of just running the commands. This could involve the full process like
fetching from a cvs and also include autoconf, automake etc.,
15. Kernel configuration, compilation and installation : Download / access the latest kernel
source code from, compile the kernel and install it in the local system. Try to view
the source code of the kernel
16. GUI Programming: Create scientific calculator – using any one of Gambas, GTK, QT
17. Installing various software packages. Either the package is yet to be installed or an older
version is present. The student can practice installing the latest version. ( Internet access is
 Install samba and share files to windows
 Install Common Unix Printing System(CUPS)
18. Set up the complete network interface by configuring services such as gateway, DNS, IP
tables etc. using ifconfig


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