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1. Is Internship/Industrial training/Industrial visit mandatory in B.Tech Programme?
A. No. But KTU encourages internship/industrial training. The students doing Internship/Industrial training will get activity points.

2. Is educational tour mandatory for Engineering?
A. NO.

3.Is there provision for improving marks/grade in any course for which the student get pass grade?
A. No. Improvement of marks/grades is not possible in courses where one gets a ‘pass’ grade or higher grade.

4.Is matriculation/eligibility certificate required for admission in this university?
A.There is no need to obtain Eligibility/ Equivalency/ Matriculation Certificates for admission.

5.What is open book examination?
A. Students are permitted to bring in class notes, own notes, text books and other books (Maximum 3/4 books) for the test. Access to internet and mobile phones is NOT permitted.

6.Does the University award ranks for each branch?
A. No.

7.If a student breaks study and continues after one academic year and meanwhile the curriculum is changed, shall he/she register for courses in the previous curriculum or changed curriculum?
A.The Curriculum Committee of the University will suggest the equivalent courses to be studied.

8.How many choices will be available in questions for end semester exam?
A.It will vary for different subjects. This will be available in the question paper pattern.

9.Will the University publish model question papers or question paper pattern?
A.Question paper pattern will be published.

10.Can a student skip some courses during regular semester and register in subsequent semester?
A.Yes, except in semesters 1 & 2. In any case, the maximum duration for completion of the B.Tech programme is 6 years.

11.Will the University issue mark details on request?
A.The University will issue grade cards only. The conversion formula from GPA to Percentage is available in the Application(Instal KTU ASSIST APP from play store. goto CGPA section).

12.How many chances will a student get to pass a course?
A.The maximum duration for completion of the B.Tech program is 6 years. The number of chances possible within this duration is the maximum a student can get to pass a course.

13.If a student fails in the end semester exam, will his/her internal evaluation marks be regulated in line with the end semester exam marks?
A.No. It will be done when the student gets pass marks in the supplementary examination.

14.Who will award Student Activity Points?
A.The faculty advisor awards the Student Activity Points. This needs to be entered by the Senior Staff advisor into the KTU e-Gov Portal(Click Here).

15.Can a student break his/her study?
A. A student may break study for a maximum duration of two semesters, preferably in one academic year, to initiate start-up ventures, product development etc. This is however permitted only on successfully completing the courses listed out in the first four semesters. Request for this with ample evidence to the seriousness of the venture should be forwarded to the college principal for approval. Break of study on serious health reasons is also permitted with the approval of the college Principal. All such cases of break of study are to be reported to the University and approval obtained. In both the cases, the maximum duration for completing the B. Tech. programme will still be twelve semesters.

16.How can one remit exam fee?
A. Exam fee has to be remitted at the college by the student. College can make the fee payment online for all the registered students through the KTU e-Gov Portal.

17.How can exam registration and enrolment of courses be done?
A. Exam Registration and enrolment of courses is done as a single process through the KTU e-Gov Portal. Students need to choose the courses from their login, print the registration slip and make the fee payment at the college. College will do the final submission and online fee payment through the portal.

18.What is course/exam registration?
A. It is mandatory for students to register for the courses they want to attend in a semester. Students admitted freshly to the first semester, are advised to register for all courses listed for the semester. They have to enrol for these courses at the beginning of the new semester, based on the previous semester results. Before enrolment, students should clear all dues including any fees to be paid and should not have any disciplinary issues pending. The dates for registration will be given in the academic calendar. Any late registration or enrolment, allowed up to 7 working days from the stipulated date, will attract a late fee.
A student can withdraw from a course or substitute one already registered by another on valid reasons with the approval of the faculty advisor. However this has to be done within seven working days from the commencement of the semester. The maximum number of credits a student can register in a semester is limited to 28.

19.How is performance in Practical Course assessed?
A. As per the B.Tech ordinance, the scheme of evaluation for laboratory/ Practical/workshop courses is as follows.
(i) Practice records/ output 60 Marks (internally by the college)
(ii) Regular class viva 10 Marks (internally by the college)
(iii) Final Written Test /Quiz 30 Marks(internally by the college)
However as per the decision of the Academic Committee, amendment to the above clause has been made as follows:
(i) practical records/ output 60 Marks (internally by the college)
(ii) Regular class viva 10 Marks (internally by the college)
(iii) Modified as Practical examination internally conducted by the college out of 30 marks (25 marks for practical examination and 5 marks for the Viva).
The practical Examination shall be conducted as per the schedule in the academic calendar with two examiners (need not be faculty member engaging the practical classes) from the department.
There is no need of writing fair records only. One record is needed which is to be written in the lab class itself after the completion of the experiments. No pre-printed records shall be used.
Regarding Design and Drafting labs, the end semester examination shall be on CADD if otherwise specified in the syllabus.

20.What is Summer Course?
A.The summer courses shall be considered as independent courses and students have to register for these. This provision of summer courses may be extended to students who have got FE grade due to (i) shortage of attendance (ie. having attendance less than 75%) and (ii) shortage of internal evaluation marks (ie. having IA marks less than 45%) with the following conditions.
(i) The students shall have minimum 50% attendance in the specified course of the regular semester. They have to register for the summer course and obtain 75% attendance.
(ii) The students shall have a minimum 35% IA marks in the regular semester. During the summer course the student will get a chance to improve the IA marks by writing one IA make up test during the summer course. This will replace the lower of the two marks got in the regular semester. However the IA marks shall be limited to 50%.

21.What is meant by Pre-requisite Course?
A. Pre-requisite course means a course in a lower semester a student have undergone to make him eligible to register for a course in the higher semester. The student shall attain at least F grade in pre-requisite courses for registering to courses in higher semester for which pre-requisite course is mentioned.

22.Is Condonation of attendance given in KTU?
A. Attendance is marked for each course. In the case of B.Tech, while 75% attendance is mandatory for writing the end semester examination in that course, students are expected to have 100% attendance. However, under unavoidable circumstances students are permitted to take leave. Leave is normally sanctioned for any approved activity taken up by students outside the college covering sports and other extracurricular activities. Leave is also permitted on medical grounds or on personal exigencies. Leave of absence for all these is limited to 25% of the academic contact hours for the course.
In case of long illness or major personal tragedies/contingencies, the College Principal can relax the minimum attendance requirement to 60%, to write the end semester examination. This is permitted for one or more courses registered in the semester. However this concession is applicable only to any two semesters during the entire programme. In the case of prolonged illness, break of study is permitted.

23.What is the criterion for Promotion to higher semesters in B.Tech degree programme?
A. At present, no credits are required for moving from first semester to second semester and second semester to third semester and third semester to fourth semester. For moving from fourth semester to fifth semester, one has to earn 26 credits in the first and second semesters together.No credits are required for moving from fifth to sixth semester. For moving from sixth to seventh semester, 52 credits are to be earned from s1-s4 semesters and freely moving from seventh to eighth semester. The details are available in the KTU website.Click Here

24.What is the procedure for getting Migration Certificate/Cancellation memo?
A. The student shall approach the College Principal for Migration Certificate/ Cancellation memo. The College Principal has to submit online request to University by attaching TC and request letter through KTU portal. If everything is in order and the student has no dues, the University will approve the request, After approval the principal can download the certificates through his login and issue it to the student. If there are fee dues, the Principal needs to pay the pending fee online and then apply.

25.When/How does one apply for Inter College Transfer, Branch Change or Readmission from Other Universities?
A.The schedule will be published every year in the 1st week of June in the University website. Norms are available in KTU website.

26. How can discontinued students enrolled in other Universities in Kerala continue their studies?
A.Students who discontinued their studies in other universities can continue the studies according to readmission norms. Norms for Readmission is available in KTU website.

27.Is Branch Change possible in KTU?
A.Branch change is permitted before registering to Third semester for B.Tech Courses. Norms for Branch Change is available in the KTU website.Read More Rules-Click Here.

28.Is Inter College Transfer allowed in KTU?
A.Inter college transfer is permitted to Third Semester & Fifth Semester for B.Tech and B.Arch courses. Norms and Proforma for Inter College Transfer is available in the KTU website.Click Here.

29.What is Academic Calendar?
A.Academic Calendar gives dates of Commencement and termination of Classes and schedule of all academic & Co-Curricular activities. Academic Calendar is available in KTU website.

30.What are the different terminologies that are used by KTU?

Program - This indicates the programs offered by KTU
Example: B.Tech, M.Tech, MBA etc

Program Category - This is a broad categorization for the programs
Example: Engineering, Management etc

Program Level - This is the level of the program (undergraduate/post graduate)
Example: UG/PG

Branch/Stream - This indicates the branches/streams offered in the programs
Example: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc

Course - This is the actual subject/paper defined in the curriculum of each program
Example: Advanced Mathematics, Power Electronics etc

31.Which browsers does the e-Gov Platform for KTU support?

e-Gov Platform for KTU works on Firefox (3+) and Chrome browsers.

32.What is to be done if the username or password is lost?

You can click the link Forgot Username/Password. On entering the registered email id, the username will be sent to you by email.

In the case of password, we will reset the password and communicate to you the new password.

You can then log-in with your new username/password and change the password using the Change password link.

33.What are the ways to attain 100 activity points in KTU?
1. Entrepreneurship and innovation (80 / 60 Points)
It provides multiple paths to gain activity points.

A Start-up Company registered legally earns 60 points. Even when the patent is filed, published and approved receives 60 points.
If a student gets government funding for their innovation and starting of a start-up employment can add the highest 80 points.
Maximum Points:- 80

2. Participation in NCC / NSS (60 Points)
Being a part of national initiatives like NSS /NCC for a minimum duration of 2 years can fetch a KTU student with a maximum of 60 points.

Maximum points:- 60

3. Sports and games (8 – 60 Points)
Apart from studies, technical competitions a KTU student is appreciated to take part in sports and games.

The college-level achievement of a student can earn him 8 points
zonal level achievement adds 15 points
university level can bag 25 points
national level earns 40 
international achievement adds 60 points.
Providing the maximum point to be 60.

4.Cultural activities (Up to 60 Points)
Cultural activities can render a maximum of 60 points. Cultural activities comprises of different forms of arts like dance, music, literary activities. This indeed shows that KTU supports student’s extra-curricular activities

5. Leadership and management: (Upto 40 Points)
Being a leader in professional societies like IEEE, college association chapters can add Upto 40 points.

Managing the technical fests can also give Upto 40 points.

Points can be earned by the elected student representatives.

Chairman – 30 Points
Secretary – 15
(Other Council Members) – 15

6.NPTEL ( Upto 50 points)
NPTEL(Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is a joint initiative of the IITs and IISc providing a E-learning platform through videos.

On the basis of mark obtained by a student in the certified exam can get a maximum of 50 points.

You can register for NPTEL Courses Here 

7.Workshops/paper presentation (Up to 40) 
Attending workshops, seminars and paper presentation at

IIT / NIT (Workshop) :-20 – Maximum 40 can be earned (20 x 2)
IIT / NIT (Paper Presentation) :-30 (Additional 10 points for certificate of recognition. ) => Max 40 Points
at KTU or any other affiliated institutes fetches 12 points.
8. Competitions (Up to 40 Points)
Taking part in a competition conducted by professional societies like IEEE, IET, and ASME can again fetch a student with a maximum of 40 points

9. Internship ( Maximum 20 Points)
Internship for at least 5 full days at any company of your field adds 20 points. This is the maximum points under internship and doing more internships wont help in earning more points.

10. Industrial visit (Upto 10 Points)
Understanding and learning the field you will be working in near future is very important as your studies. An industrial visit gives the clear image of a company and that visit brings with them a maximum of 10 points (2 IV – 5 Points Each).
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4th sem civil syllabus ktu 5th sem syllabus ktu 5th semester results ktu 5th semester cse syllabus ktu 5th semester civil engineering syllabus ktu 5th sem result 2019 ktu 5th sem mechanical syllabus ktu 5th semester exam time table ktu 6th sem time table 2019 ktu 6th sem exam timetable ktu 6th sem syllabus ktu 6th sem results ktu 6th semester syllabus ktu 6th sem question papers ktu 6 sem syllabus ktu-601 ktu 6th sem notes ktu semester 6 syllabus s6 ktu syllabus s6 ktu notes s6 ktu question paper s6 ktu syllabus cse s6 ktu civil syllabus s6 ktu syllabus ece s6 ktu mechanical syllabus s6 ktu notes ece s6 ktu eee syllabus s6 ktu cse notes ktu 7th sem result ktu 7th semester syllabus ktu 709 ktu-709 installation manual ktu-700 ktu 7 barakas ktu bendrabuciai 7 ktu donelaicio 73 s7 ktu syllabus s8 ktu syllabus s8 ktu notes s8 ktu civil syllabus s8 ktu cse syllabus s8 ktu results s8 ktu timetable s8 ktu syllabus eee s8 ktu model question paper s8 ktu ec syllabus s8 ktu cgpa calculator ktu 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notes 2019 ktu notes 2018 ktu notes fm 2 ktu notes gt 2 ktu sa 2 notes ktu ec 205 notes ktu dme 2 notes ktu ec 206 notes ktu ma201 notes dcs 2 ktu notes fm 2 ktu notes gt 2 ktu notes sa 2 ktu notes transportation engineering 2 ktu notes environmental engineering 2 ktu notes coa module 2 ktu notes os module 2 ktu notes oodp module 2 ktu notes dme 2 notes ktu ktu notes s3 eee ktu notes s3 cse ktu notes s3 civil ktu notes s3 mechanical ktu notes s3 mos ktu notes s3 laca ktu notes s3 edc s3 ktu notes s3 ktu notes ece s3 ktu notes cse structural analysis 3 ktu notes coa module 3 ktu notes os module 3 ktu notes pdd module 3 ktu notes oodp module 3 ktu notes lcd module 3 ktu notes ssd module 3 notes ktu ktu notes 4 u ktu sem 4 notes ktu edc notes module 4 coa ktu notes module 4 ktu stld module 4 notes ktu os module 4 notes ktu oodp module 4 notes ktu calculus notes module 4 ktu physics module 4 notes ktu pdd module 4 notes coa module 4 ktu notes os module 4 ktu notes stld module 4 notes ktu ktu semester 5 notes ktu os module 5 notes ktu oodp module 5 notes coa ktu notes module 5 ktu edc notes module 5 ktu bme module 5 notes calculus ktu notes module 5 ktu mos notes module 5 ktu chemistry notes module 5 ktu stld module 5 notes os module 5 ktu notes coa module 5 ktu notes toc module 5 ktu notes aic module 5 ktu notes ktu notes s6 cse sepm ktu notes s6 ece dip ktu notes s6 cse daa ktu notes s6 ece dc coa module 6 ktu notes os module 6 ktu notes stld module 6 ktu notes cn module 6 ktu notes ssd module 6 ktu notes ktu notes s7 ece ktu notes s7 cse ktu notes s7 eee ktu notes s7 mechanical ktu notes s7 cse machine learning ktu notes s7 rac ktu notes s7 bioinformatics ktu notes s7 ece information theory and coding s7 ktu notes s7 ktu notes eee computer communication s7 ktu notes ktu s7 cse notes ktu notes s7 mechanical engineering ktu s7 ece itc notes ktu notes s7 me ktu notes s8 mechanical engineering ktu notes s8 ece acs ktu notes s8 ece secure communication ktu notes s8 industrial safety ktu notes s8 global elective ktu notes s8 total quality management ktu notes s8 ece low power vlsi ktu notes s8 energy conservation and management ktu notes s8 acs s8 ktu notes ktu notes s8 ece nanoelectronics embedded systems ktu notes s8 cse ktu s8 data mining notes ktu s8 disaster management notes ktu s8 acs notes ktu s8 tqm notes ktu s8 sepm notes ktu notes s8 ee ktu students login ktu ktu students notes ktu students portal login ktu students app ktu students syllabus ktu students handbook ktu students login account disabled ktu students notes s6 ktu students .in ktu students ai notes ktu students attendance ktu students activity points ktu students academic calendar ktu students arrested ktu students apk ktu students announcements ktu students business economics notes ktu students cn ktu students compiler design ktu students comprehensive ktu students calculus notes ktu students cgpa calculator ktu ktu students s6 cse notes ktu students ktu students details ktu students daa notes ktu students dcs notes ktu students data mining notes ktu students disaster management notes ktu students exam timetable 2019 ktu students egov portal ktu students exam timetable ktu students edu ktu student login e-gov portal ktu students fb ktu for students ktu student login for revaluation ktu login for students ktu handbook for students ktu notes for students ktu students group ktu students home ktu home student login ktu students in ktu students internship ktu students information ktu students internal marks ktu international students ktu students login internal marks students portal ktu students java ktu students login notes ktu students login home ktu students login result ktu student login password reset ktu students l ktu mba student login ktu m tech students login ktu students notes s8 ktu students notes s7 cse ktu students notes s2 ktu students notes s3 ktu students notes chemistry ktu students notes s8 ece ktu students notes s7 civil ktu students os notes ktu students oodp ktu students official placement cell ktu students login supply registration ktu students portal ktu students pom ktu students pdf ktu students pdf notes ktu students previous question papers ktu students perintalmanna kerala ktu src student portal osis ktu student portal ktu students question paper ktu students registration ktu results student wise ktu results student login ktu student login registration ktu new student registration ktu students s4 cse notes ktu students s6 cse ktu students s6 syllabus ktu students s3 notes ktu students sepm ktu students telegram ktu students timetable ktu students textbooks ktu students union fb ktu university students login ktu student sign up all kerala ktu students union all kerala ktu students union facebook ktu students whatsapp group link ktu students web ktu student wise result ktu website student login ktu students login 2017 ktu students s6 ktu students s7 notes ktu students s7
  1. How many points for one internship?

    1. 10 points for each

    2. maximum 20 points only. so can do two internship for conceding 20 points

    3. I have applied for condonation two times in my 7th semster i cant apply for condonation and so can't write my exm.. now iam in s8 is it ppossibl to attend this semester without yeatback

    4. just contact ktu office

  2. Is internship are for starters

  3. what happens when I registered for revaluation in ktu but I didn't paid the revaluation fees.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. Did nri student can apply for a college transfer??

  7. How can i get eligibility certificate from ktu

  8. There is a slight change in calculated cgpa and cgpa shown in student profile . What should be done???

  9. I am 2020 passout student with activity point of 73 . Is 75 points is enough for getting degree certificate or 100 ? And how can I increase it now ?

  10. how to get cgpa to percentage conversion certificate?

  11. How many times a person can attend exam, supplemnetary exam for MCA program

  12. How many times a present 8th sem Student can write his/her failed paper even after completing course in June 2023

  13. How many days does it take to announce revaluation marks?Does that come before supply exam?Please reply

  14. Can we edit the external lab exam marks after uploaded once due to some error in the dates

  15. If someone write both special supplimentary exam and supplimentary exam with regular students and pass in both the exams.which grade should be chosen? Best of two or the one who valued first?

  16. How many hours of Teaching assistance are required for MTech 2022 per semester?



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