Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis
Course code:-MA 201 Credits:-4 Slot:-A
Module I
Complex differentiation Text 1[13.3,13.4] Limit, continuity and derivative of complex functions Analytic Functions Cauchy–Riemann Equation(Proof of sufficient condition of analyticity and C R Equations in polar form not required)-Laplace’s Equation Harmonic functions, Harmonic Conjugate.
Module II
Conformal mapping:Text 1[17.1-17.4] Geometry of Analytic functions Conformal Mapping, Mapping w = z^2 conformality of w = e^z . The mapping w=z+(1/z) properties of w=1/z. Properties of Circles and straight lines, extended complex plane, fixed points Special linear fractional Transformations, Cross Ratio, Cross Ratio property-Mapping of disks and half planes Conformal mapping by w=sinz and w= cos z (Assignment: Application of analytic functions in Engineering)
Module III
Complex Integration. Text 1[14.1-14.4] [15.4 and 16.1] Definition Complex Line Integrals, First Evaluation Method, Second Evaluation Method Cauchy’s Integral Theorem(without proof), Independence of path(without proof), Cauchy’s Integral Theorem for Multiply Connected Domains (without proof) Cauchy’s Integral Formula- Derivatives of Analytic Functions(without proof)Application of derivative of Analytical Functions Taylor and Maclaurin series(without proof), Power series as Taylor series, Practical methods(without proof) Laurent’s series (without proof)
Module IV
Residue Integration Text 1 [16.2-16.4] Singularities, Zeros, Poles, Essential singularity, Zeros of analytic functions Residue Integration Method, Formulas for Residues, Several singularities inside the contour Residue Theorem. Evaluation of Real Integrals (i) Integrals of rational functions of sin theta and cos theta (ii)Integrals of the type integral (-infinity to infinity) f(x)dx (Type I, Integrals from 0 to infinity) ( Assignment : Application of Complex integration in Engineering)
Module V
Linear system of Equations Text 1(7.3-7.5) Linear systems of Equations, Coefficient Matrix, Augmented Matrix Gauss Elimination and back substitution, Elementary row operations, Row equivalent systems, Gauss elimination-Three possible cases, Row Echelon form and Information from it. Linear independence-rank of a matrix Vector Space-Dimension-basis-vector spaceR3 Solution of linear systems, Fundamental theorem of non-homogeneous linear systems(Without proof)-Homogeneous linear systems (Theory only )
Module VI
Matrix Eigen value Problem Text 1.(8.1,8.3 and 8.4) Determination of Eigen values and Eigen vectors-Eigen space Symmetric, Skew Symmetric and Orthogonal matrices –simple properties (without proof) Basis of Eigen vectors- Similar matrices Diagonalization of a matrix-Quadratic forms- Principal axis theorem(without proof) (Assignment-Some applications of Eigen values(8.2))
Text Book
Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed. Wiley
Discrete computational structures
Course code:-CS 201 Credits:-4 Slot:-B
Module I
Review of elementary set theory :-Algebra of sets – Ordered pairs and Cartesian products – Countable and Uncountable sets. Relations:-Relations on sets –Types of relations and their properties – Relational matrix and the graph of a relation – Partitions – Equivalence relations - Partial ordering- Posets – Hasse diagrams - Meet and Join – Infimum and Supremum Functions :-Injective, Surjective and Bijective functions - Inverse of a function- Composition
Module II
Review of Permutations and combinations, Principle of inclusion exclusion, Pigeon Hole Principle, Recurrence Relations:-Introduction- Linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients– Homogeneous solutions – Particular solutions – Total solutions Algebraic systems:- Semigroups and monoids - Homomorphism, Subsemigroups and submonoids
Module III
Algebraic systems (contd…):-Groups, definition and elementary properties, subgroups, Homomorphism and Isomorphism, Generators - Cyclic Groups, Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem Algebraic systems with two binary operations- rings, fields-sub rings, ring homomorphism
Module IV
Lattices and Boolean algebra :-Lattices –Sublattices – Complete lattices – Bounded Lattices - Complemented Lattices – Distributive Lattices – Lattice Homomorphisms. Boolean algebra – sub algebra, direct product and homomorphisms
Module V
Propositional Logic:- Propositions – Logical connectives – Truth tables Tautologies and contradictions – Contra positive – Logical equivalences and implications Rules of inference: Validity of arguments.
Module VI
Predicate Logic:- Predicates – Variables – Free and bound variables – Universal and Existential Quantifiers – Universe of discourse. Logical equivalences and implications for quantified statements – Theory of inference : Validity of arguments. Proof techniques:-Mathematical induction and its variants – Proof by Contradiction – Proof by Counter Example – Proof by Contra positive.
Text Books
1.Trembly J.P and Manohar R, “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science”, Tata McGraw–Hill Pub.Co.Ltd, New Delhi, 2003.
2.Ralph. P. Grimaldi, “Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction”, 4/e, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi, 2002.
Switching theory and logic design
Course code:-CS 203 Credits:-4 Slot:-C
Module I
Number systems – Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal – conversion from one system to another – representation of negative numbers – representation of BCD numbers – character representation – character coding schemes – ASCII – EBCDIC etc. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of binary numbers (no algorithms). Addition and subtraction of BCD, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers. Representation of floating point numbers – precision – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of floating point numbers
Module II
Introduction — Postulates of Boolean algebra – Canonical and Standard Forms — logic functions and gates methods of minimization of logic functions — Karnaugh map method and QuinMcClusky method Product-of-Sums Simplification — Don’t-Care Conditions.
Module III
Combinational Logic: combinational Circuits and design Procedure — binary adder and subtractor — multi—level NAND and NOR circuits — Exclusive-OR and Equivalence Functions. Implementation of combination logic:-parallel adder, carry look ahead adder, BCD adder, code converter, magnitude comparator, decoder, multiplexer, de-multiplexer, parity generator.
Module IV
Sequential logic circuits: latches and flip-flops – edge-triggering and level-triggering — RS, JK, D and T flip-flops — race condition — master-slave flip-flop. Clocked sequential circuits:-state diagram — state reduction and assignment — design with state equations
Module V
Registers:-registers with parallel load - shift registers universal shift registers – application: serial adder. Counters:-asynchronous counters — binary and BCD ripple counters — timing sequences — synchronous counters — up-down counter, BCD counter, Johnson counter — timing sequences and state diagrams.
Module VI
Memory and Programmable Logic: Random-Access Memory (RAM)—Memory Decoding—Error Detection and Correction — Read only Memory (ROM), Programmable Logic Array (PLA). HDL:-fundamentals, combinational logic, adder, multiplexer. Arithmetic algorithms:-Algorithms for addition and subtraction of binary and BCD numbers, algorithms for floating point addition and subtraction
Text Books
1.Mano M. M., Digital Logic and Computer Design, 4/e, Pearson Education, 2013. [Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
2.Floyd T. L., Digital Fundamentals, 10/e, Pearson Education, 2009. [Chapters: 5, 6].
3.M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2007. [Chapter 10.1, 10.2, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7].
4.Harris D. M. and, S. L. Harris, Digital Design and Computer Architecture, 2/e, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2013 [Chapter 4.1, 4.2
Data structures
Course code:-CS 205 Credits:-4 Slot:-D
Module I
Introduction to programming methodologies – structured approach, stepwise refinement techniques, programming style, documentation – analysis of algorithms: frequency count, definition of Big O notation, asymptotic analysis of simple algorithms. Recursive and iterative algorithms.
Module II
Abstract and Concrete Data Structures- Basic data structures – vectors and arrays. Applications, Linked lists:- singly linked list, doubly linked list, Circular linked list, operations on linked list, linked list with header nodes, applications of linked list: polynomials,.
Module III
Applications of linked list (continued):-Memory management, memory allocation and de-allocation. First-fit, best-fit and worst-fit allocation schemes Implementation of Stacks and Queues using arrays and linked list, DEQUEUE (double ended queue). Multiple Stacks and Queues, Applications.
Module IV
String:-representation of strings, concatenation, substring searching and deletion. Trees:- m-ary Tree, Binary Trees – level and height of the tree, complete-binary tree representation using array, tree traversals (Recursive and non-recursive), applications. Binary search tree – creation, insertion and deletion and search operations, applications.
Module V
Graphs – representation of graphs, BFS and DFS (analysis not required) applications. Sorting techniques – Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Heaps and Heap sort. Searching algorithms (Performance comparison expected. Detailed analysis not required)
Module VI
Linear and Binary search. (Performance comparison expected. Detailed analysis not required) Hash Tables – Hashing functions – Mid square, division, folding, digit analysis,collusion resolution and Overflow handling techniques.
Text Books
1.Samanta D., Classic Data Structures, Prentice Hall India, 2/e, 2009.
2.Richard F. Gilberg, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C, 2/e, Cengage Learning, 2005.
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Course code:-CS 207 Credits:-3 Slot:-E
Module I
Wave shaping circuits:-Sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal wave shapes, Principle and working of RC differentiating and integrating circuits, Conversion of one non-sinusoidal wave shape into another. Clipping circuits - Positive, negative and biased clipper. Clamping circuits - Positive, negative and biased clamper. Voltage multipliers- Voltage doubler and tripler. Simple sweep circuit using transistor as a switch.
Module II
Regulated power supplies:-Review of simple zener voltage regulator, Shunt and series voltage regulator using transistors,Current limiting and fold back protection, 3 pin regulators-78XX and 79XX, IC 723 and its use as low and high voltage regulators, DC to DC conversion, Circuit/block diagram and working ofSMPS. Field effect transistors: JFET – Structure, principle of operation and characteristics, Comparison with BJT.MOSFET- Structure, Enhancement and Depletion types,principle of operation and characteristics.
Module III
Amplifiers:-Introduction to transistor biasing, operating point,concept of load line, thermal stability, fixed bias, self bias,voltage divider bias. Classification of amplifiers,RC coupled amplifier - voltage gain and frequency response. Multistage amplifiers - effect of cascading on gain and bandwidth.Feedback in amplifiers - Effect of negative feedback on amplifiers.MOSFET Amplifier- Circuit diagram and working of common source MOSFET amplifier.
Module IV
Oscillators:-Classification, criterion for oscillation, analysis of Wien bridge oscillator, Hartley and Crystal oscillator. Non-sinusoidal oscillators:-Astable, monostable and bi-stable multivibrators using transistors (Only design equations and working of circuit are required, Analysis not required).
Module V
Operational amplifiers:-Differential amplifier, characteristics of op-amps(gain, bandwidth, slew rate, CMRR, offset voltage,offset current), comparison of ideal and practical opamp(IC741),applications of op-amps- scale changer, sign changer, adder/summing amplifier, subtractor, integrator,differentiator, Schmitt trigger, Wien bridge oscillator.
Module VI
Integrated circuits:-Active filters – Low pass and high pass (first and second order) active filters using op-amp with gain (No analysis required).D/A and A/D convertors – important specifications, Sample and hold circuit.Binary weighted resistor and R-2R ladder type D/A convertors.(concepts only).Flash, dual slope and successive approximation type A/D convertors.Circuit diagram and working of Timer IC555, astable and monostablemultivibrators using 555.
Text Books
1.David A Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2008
2.Salivahanan S. and V. S. K. Bhaaskaran, Linear Integrated Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
Data structures Lab
Course code:-CS 231 Credits:-1 Slot-S
List of Exercises I Experiments (Minimum 12 are to be done)
1.Implementation of Stack and Multiple stacks using one dimensional array.
2.Application problems using stacks: Infix to post fix conversion, postfix and pre-fix evaluation, MAZE problem etc.
3.Implementation of Queue, DEQUEUE and Circular queue using arrays.
4.Implementation of various linked list operations.
5.Implementation of stack, queue and their applications using linked list.
6.Implementation of trees using linked list
7.Representation of polynomials using linked list, addition and multiplication of polynomials.
8.Implementation of binary trees using linked lists and arrays- creations, insertion, deletion and traversal.
9.Implementation of binary search trees – creation, insertion, deletion, search
10.Application using trees
11.Implementation of sorting algorithms – bubble, insertion, selection, quick (recursive and non-recursive), merge sort (recursive and non-recursive), and heap sort.
12.Implementation of searching algorithms – linear search, binary search.
13.Representation of graphs and computing various parameters (in degree, out degree etc.) - adjacency list, adjacency matrix.
14.Implementation of BFS, DFS for each representation.
15.Implementation of hash table using various mapping functions, various collision and overflow resolving schemes.
16.Implementation of various string operations.
Electronics circuits lab
Course code:-CS 233 Credits:-1 Slot-T
List of Exercises/Experiments:-(Minimum 13 experiments are to be done in the semester, at least 6 each should be selected fromthe first(Exp. 1-10) and second(Exp. 11-20) half. Experiment no. 18 is compulsory).
1.Forward and reverse characteristics of PN diode and Zener diode
2.Input and output characteristics of BJT in CE configuration and evaluation of parameters
3.RC integrating and differentiating circuits-Transient response with different time constant
4.RC low pass and high pass circuits- Frequency response with sinusoidal input
5.Clipping circuits (Positive, negative and biased) - Transient and transfer characteristics
6.Clamping circuits (Positive, negative and biased)- Transient characteristics
7.Bridge Rectifier - with and without filter- ripple factor and regulation
8.Simple Zener regulator- Line and load characteristics
9.RC coupled CE amplifier – Mid band gain and frequency response
10.RC phase shift or Wien bridge oscillator using transistor
11.Astable and Monostable multivibrators using transistors
12.Series voltage regulator (Two transistors)- Line and load characteristics
13.Voltage regulator using LM 723)- Line and load characteristics
14.Astable and mono stable multivibrators using 555 Timer
15.Inverting and non-inverting amplifier using op-amp IC741
16.Instrumentation amplifier using op-amp IC741
17.RC phase shift or Wien bridge oscillator using op-amp IC741
18.Simulation of simple circuits (at least 6 from above) using any SPICE software(Transient, AC and DC analysis)
Probability Distributions,Transforms and Numerical Methods
Course code:-MA 202 Credits:-4 Slot:-A
Module I
Discrete Probability Distributions.(Relevant topics in section 4.1,4,2,4.4,4.6 Text1 )Discrete Random Variables, Probability distribution function, Cumulative distribution function.Mean and Variance of Discrete Probability Distribution. Binomial Distribution-Mean and variance. Poisson Approximation to the Binomial Distribution. Poisson distribution-Mean and variance.
Module II
Continuous Probability Distributions. (Relevant topics in section 5.1,5.2,5.5,5.7 Text1) Continuous Random Variable, Probability density function,Cumulative density function, Mean and variance. Normal Distribution, Mean and variance (without proof). Uniform Distribution. Mean and variance. Exponential Distribution, Mean and variance.
Module III
Fourier Integrals and transforms. (Relevant topics in section 11.7, 11.8, 11.9 Text2) Fourier Integrals. Fourier integral theorem (without proof). Fourier Transform and inverse transform. Fourier Sine and Cosine Transform, inverse transform.
Module IV
Laplace transforms. (Relevant topics in section 6.1,6.2,6.3,6.5,6.6 Text2) Laplace Transforms, linearity, first shifting Theorem. Transform of derivative and Integral, Inverse Laplace transform, Solution of ordinary differential equation using Laplace transform. Unit step function, second shifting theorem.Convolution Theorem (without proof). Differentiation and Integration of transforms.
Module V
Numerical Techniques.( Relevant topics in section.19.1,19.2,19.3 Text2) Solution Of equations by Iteration, Newton- Raphson Method. Interpolation of Unequal intervals-Lagrange’s Interpolation formula. Interpolation of Equal intervals-Newton’s forward difference formula, Newton’s Backward difference formula.
Module VI
Numerical Techniques. ( Relevant topics in section 19.5,20.1,20.3, 21.1 Text2) Solution to linear System- Gauss Elimination, Gauss Seidal Iteration Method. Numeric Integration-Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s 1/3 Rule. Numerical solution of firstorder ODE-Euler method, Runge-Kutta Method (fourth order).
Text Books:-
1.Miller and Freund’s “Probability and statistics for Engineers”-Pearson-Eighth Edition.
2.Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10th edition, Wiley, 2015.
Computer Organization and Architecture
Course code:-CS 202 Credits:-4 Slot:-B
Module I
Basic Structure of computers:– functional units –basic operational concepts –bus structures –software. Memory locations and addresses – memory operations – instructions and instruction sequencing – addressing modes – ARM Example (programs not required). Basic I/O operations – stacks subroutine calls.
Module II
Basic processing unit:– fundamental concepts – instruction cycle - execution of a complete instruction –multiple- bus organization – sequencing of control signals. Arithmetic algorithms:- Algorithms for multiplication and division of binary and BCD numbers — array multiplier —Booth’s multiplication algorithm — restoring and nonrestoring division — algorithms for floating point, multiplication and division.
Module III
I/O organization:- accessing of I/O devices – interrupts –direct memory access –buses –interface circuits –standard I/O interfaces (PCI, SCSI, USB)
Module IV
Memory system :- basic concepts –semiconductor RAMs –memory system considerations – semiconductor ROMs –flash memory –cache memory and mapping functions.
Module V
Processor Logic Design:- Register transfer logic – inter register transfer – arithmetic, logic and shift micro operations –conditional control statements.Processor organization:– design of arithmetic unit, logic unit, arithmetic logic unit and shifter –status register –processor unit –design of accumulator. (
Module VI
Control Logic Design:- Control organization – design of hardwired control –control of processor unit –PLA control. Micro-programmed control:- Microinstructions –horizontal and vertical micro instructions – micro-program sequencer –micro programmed CPU organization.
Text Books:-
1.Hamacher C., Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky, Computer Organization ,5/e, McGraw Hill, 2011.
2.Mano M. M., Digital Logic and Computer Design, 4/e, Pearson Education, 2013.
Operating Systems
Course code:-CS 204 Credits:-4 Slot:-C
Module I
Introduction:- Functions of an operating system. Single processor, multiprocessor and clustered systems – overview. Kernel Data Structures – Operating Systems used in different computing environments. Operating System Interfaces and implementation:- User Interfaces, System Calls – examples. Operating System implementation - approaches. Operating System Structure – Monolithic, Layered, Micro-kernel, Modular. System Boot process.
Module II
Process Management:- Process Concept – Processes-States – Process Control Block – Threads. Scheduling – Queues – Schedulers – Context Switching. Process Creation and Termination. Inter Process Communication:- Shared Memory, Message Passing, Pipes.
Module III
Process Synchronization:- Critical Section-Petersons solution. Synchronization – Locks, Semaphores, Monitors, Classical Problems – Producer Consumer, Dining Philosophers and Readers-Writers Problems
Module IV
CPU Scheduling:– Scheduling Criteria – Scheduling Algorithms. Deadlocks:– Conditions, Modeling using graphs. Handling – Prevention – Avoidance – Detection- Recovery.
Module V
Memory Management:- Main Memory – Swapping – Contiguous Memory allocation – Segmentation – Paging – Demand paging
Module VI
Storage Management:- Overview of mass storage structure- disks and tapes. Disk structure – accessing disks. Disk scheduling and management. Swap Space. File System Interface:- File Concepts – Attributes – operations – types – structure – access methods. File system mounting. Protection. File system implementation. Directory implementation – allocation methods. Free space Management. Protection:– Goals, Principles, Domain. Access Matrix.
Text Books:-
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B Galvin, Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 9/e, Wiley India, 2015.
Object Oriented Design and Programming
Course code:-CS 206 Credits:-3 Slot:-D
Module I
Object oriented concepts:- Object oriented systems development life cycle. Unified Modeling Language, UML class diagram, Use-case diagram. Java Overview:- Java virtual machine, data types, operators, control statements, Introduction to Java programming.
Module II
Classes fundamentals, objects, methods, constructors, parameter passing, overloading, access control keywords.
Module III
Inheritance basics, method overriding, abstract classes, interface. Defining and importing packages. Exception handling fundamentals, multiple catch and nested try statements.
Module IV
Input/Output:- files, stream classes, reading console input. Threads: thread model, use of Thread class and Runnable interface, thread synchronization, multithreading. (
Module V
String class:- basics. Applet basics and methods. Event Handling:- delegation event model, event classes, sources, listeners.
Module VI
Introduction to AWT:- working with frames, graphics, color, font. AWT Control fundamentals. Swing overview. Java database connectivity: JDBC overview, creating and executing queries, dynamic queries.
Text Books:-
1. Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, 8/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
2.Bahrami A., Object Oriented Systems Development using the Unified Modeling Language, McGraw Hill, 1999.
Principles of Database Design
Course code:-CS 208 Credits:-3 Slot:-E
Module I
Introduction:- Data:- structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, Concept and Overview of DBMS, Data Models, Database Languages, Database Administrator, Database Users, Three Schema architecture of DBMS. Database architectures and classification. (Reading: Elmasri Navathe, Ch. 1 and 2. Additional Reading: Silbershatz, Korth, Ch. 1) Entity-Relationship Model: Basic concepts, Design Issues, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Weak Entity Sets, Relationships of degree greater than 2 (Reading: Elmasri Navathe, Ch. 7.1-7.8)
Module II
Relational Model:- Structure of relational Databases, Integrity Constraints, synthesizing ER diagram to relational schema (Reading: Elmasri Navathe, Ch. 3 and 8.1, Additional Reading: Silbershatz, Korth, Ch. 2.1-2.4) Database Languages: Concept of DDL and DML relational algebra (Reading: Silbershatz, Korth, Ch 2.5-2.6 and 6.1-6.2, Elmasri Navathe, Ch. 6.1-6.5)
Module III
Structured Query Language (SQL): Basic SQL Structure, examples, Set operations, Aggregate Functions, nested sub-queries (Reading: Elmasri Navathe, Ch. 4 and 5.1) Views, assertions and triggers (Reading: Elmasri Navathe, Ch. 5.2-5.3, Optional reading: Silbershatz, Korth Ch. 5.3).
Module IV
Relational Database Design: Different anomalies in designing a database, normalization, functional dependency (FD), Armstrong’s Axioms, closures, Equivalence of FDs, minimal Cover (proofs not required). Normalization using functional dependencies, INF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF, lossless and dependency preserving decompositions (Reading: Elmasri and Navathe, Ch. 14.1-14.5, 15.1-15.2. Additional Reading: Silbershatz, Korth Ch. 8.1-8.5)
Module V
Physical Data Organization:- index structures, primary, secondary and clustering indices, Single level and Multi-level indexing, B+-Trees (basic structure only, algorithms not needed), (Reading Elmasri and Navathe, Ch. 17.1-17.4) Query Optimization:- heuristics-based query optimization, (Reading Elmasri and Navathe, Ch. 18.1, 18.7)
Module VI
Transaction Processing Concepts:- overview of concurrency control and recovery acid properties, serial and concurrent schedules, conflict serializability. Two-phase locking, failure classification, storage structure, stable storage, log based recovery, deferred database modification, check-pointing, (Reading Elmasri and Navathe, Ch. 20.1-20.5 (except 20.5.4-20.5.5) , Silbershatz, Korth Ch. 15.1 (except 15.1.4-15.1.5), Ch. 16.1 – 16.5) Recent topics (preliminary ideas only):- Semantic Web and RDF(Reading: Powers Ch.1, 2), GIS, biological databases (Reading: Elmasri and Navathe Ch. 23.3-23.4) Big Data (Reading: Plunkett and Macdonald, Ch. 1, 2)
Text Books:-
1.Elmasri R. and S. Navathe, Database Systems: Models, Languages, Design andApplication Programming, Pearson Education, 2013.
2.Sliberschatz A., H. F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6/e, McGraw Hill, 2011
Free and Open Source Software Lab
Course code:-CS232 Credits:-1 Slot-S
List of Exercises Experiments
1.Getting started with Linux basic commands for directory operations, displaying directory structure in tree format etc.
2.Linux commands for operations such as redirection, pipes, filters, job control, changing ownership/permissions of files/links/directory.
3.Advanced linux commands curl, wget, ftp, ssh and grep
4.Shell Programming : Write shell script to show various system configuration like
*Currently logged user and his login name
*Your current shell
*Your home directory
*Your operating system type
*Your current path setting
*Your current working directory
*Number of users currently logged in
5.Write shell script to show various system configurations like
*your OS and version, release number, kernel version
*all available shells
*computer CPU information like processor type, speed etc
*memory information
*hard disk information like size of hard-disk, cache memory, model etc
*File system (Mounted)
6.Write a shell script to implement a menu driven calculator with following functions
7.Write a script called addnames that is to be called as follows
./addnames ulist username Here ulist is the name of the file that contains list of user names and username is a particular students username. The script should particular students username. The script should particular students username. The script should particular students username. The script should particular students username. The script shouldparticular students username. The script should particular students username. The script should particular students username. The script shouldparticular students username. The script should particular students username. The script should particular students username. The script should particular students username. The script shouldparticular students username. The script should particular students username. The script should
*check that the correct number of arguments was received and print a message, in case the number of arguments is incorrect
*check whether the ulist file exists and print an error message if it does not
*check whether the username already exists in the file. If the username exists, print a message stating that the name already exists. Otherwise, add the username to the end of the list.
8.Version Control System setup and usage using GIT. Try the following features.
*Creating a repository
*Checking out a repository
*Adding content to the repository
*Committing the data to a repository
*Updating the local copy
*Comparing different revisions
*Conflicts and a conflict Resolution
9.Shell script which starts on system boot up and kills every process which uses more than a specified amount of memory or CPU.
10.Introduction to packet management system : Given a set of RPM or DEB, build and maintain, and serve packages over http or ftp. Configure client systems to access the package repository.
11.Perform simple text processing using Perl, Awk.
12.Running PHP : simple applications like login forms after setting up a LAMP stack
13.Virtualisation environment (e.g., xen, kqemu, virtualbox or lguest) to test applications, new kernels and isolate applications. It could also be used to expose students to other alternate OS such as freeBSD
14.Compiling from source : learn about the various build systems used like the auto* family, cmake, ant etc. instead of just running the commands. This could involve the full process like fetching from a cvs and also include autoconf, automake etc.,
15.Kernel configuration, compilation and installation : Download / access the latest kernel source code from kernel.org, compile the kernel and install it in the local system. Try to view the source code of the kernel
16.GUI Programming: Create scientific calculator – using any one of Gambas, GTK, QT
17.Installing various software packages. Either the package is yet to be installed or an older version is present. The student can practice installing the latest version. ( Internet access is needed).
*Install samba and share files to windows
*Install Common Unix Printing System(CUPS) 18.Set up the complete network interface by configuring services such as gateway, DNS, IP tables etc. using ifconfig
Digital Systems Lab
Course code:-CS 234 Credits:-1 Slot-T
List of Exercises/Experiments :
( minimum 12 exercises/experiments are mandatory)
1.Familiarizations and verification of the truth tables of basic gates and universal gates.
2.Verification of Demorgans laws for two variables.
3.Implementation of half adder and full adder circuits using logic gates.
4.Implementation of half subtractor and full subtractor circuits using logic gates.
5.Implementation of parallel adder circuit.
6.Realization of 4 bit adder/subtractor and BCD adder circuits using IC 7483.
7.Implementation of a 2 bit magnitude comparator circuit using logic gates.
8.Design and implementation of code convertor circuits
9. a)BCD to excess 3 code
b)binary to gray code
10.Implementation of multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits using logic gates. Familiarization with various multiplexer and demultiplexer ICs.11.Realization of combinational circuits using multiplexer/demultiplexer ICs.
12.Implementation of SR, D, JK, JK master slave and T flip flops using logic gates. Familiarization with IC 7474 and IC 7476.
13.Implementation of shift registers using flip flop Integrated Circuits.
14.Implementation of ring counter and Johnson counter using flip flop Integrated Circuits.
15.Realization of asynchronous counters using flip flop ICs.
16.Realization of synchronous counters using flip flop ICs. Familiarization with various counter Integrated Circuits.
17.Implementation of a BCD to 7 segment decoder and display.
18.Simulation of Half adder, Full adder using VHDL.
(Note: The experiments may be done using hardware components and/or VHDL)
Life Skills
Course code:-HS 210 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Need for Effective Communication, Levels of communication;Flow of communication; Use of language in communication;Communication networks; Significance of technicalcommunication, Types of barriers; Miscommunication; Noise;Overcoming measures, Listening as an active skill; Types of Listeners; Listening forgeneral content; Listening to fill up information; IntensiveListening; Listening for specific information; Developingeffective listening skills; Barriers to effective listening skills. Technical Writing: Differences between technical and literarystyle, Elements of style; Common Errors, Letter Writing:Formal, informal and demi-official letters; business letters, JobApplication: Cover letter, Differences between bio-data, CVand Resume, Report Writing: Basics of Report Writing; Structure of a report; Types of reports.Non-verbal Communication and Body Language: Formsof non-verbal communication; Interpreting body-language cues; Kinesics; Proxemics; Chronemics; Effective use of body language Interview Skills: Types of Interviews; Ensuring success in job interviews; Appropriate use of non-verbal communication, Group Discussion: Differences between group discussion and debate; Ensuring success in group discussions, Presentation Skills: Oral presentation and public speaking skills; business presentations, Technology-based Communication:Netiquettes: effective e-mail messages; power-point presentation; enhancing editing skills using computersoftware.
Module II
Need for Creativity in the 21st century, Imagination, Intuition,Experience, Sources of Creativity, Lateral Thinking, Myths of creativity Critical thinking Vs Creative thinking, Functions of Left Brain and Right brain, Convergent and Divergent Thinking,Critical reading and Multiple Intelligence. Steps in problem solving, Problem Solving Techniques,Problem Solving through Six Thinking Hats, Mind Mapping,Forced Connections. Problem Solving strategies, Analytical Thinking and quantitative reasoning expressed in written form, Numeric,symbolic, and graphic reasoning, Solving application problems.
Module III
Introduction to Groups and Teams, Team Composition,Managing Team Performance, Importance of Group, Stages of Group, Group Cycle, Group thinking, getting acquainted,Clarifying expectations. Group Problem Solving, Achieving Group Consensus. Group Dynamics techniques, Group vs Team, Team Dynamics, Teams for enhancing productivity, Building and Managing Successful Virtual Teams. Managing Team Performance and Managing Conflict in Teams.Working Together in Teams, Team Decision-Making, Team Culture and Power, Team Leader Development.
Module IV
Morals, Values and Ethics, Integrity, Work Ethic, Service Learning, Civic Virtue, Respect for Others, Living Peacefully. Caring, Sharing, Honesty, Courage, Valuing Time,Cooperation, Commitment, Empathy, Self-Confidence,Character Spirituality, Senses of Engineering Ethics’, variety of moral issued, Types of inquiry, moral dilemmas, moral autonomy,Kohlbergs theory, Gilligans theory, Consensus and controversy, Models of Professional Roles, Theories about right action, Self-interest, customs and religion, application of ethical theories. Engineering as experimentation, engineers as responsible experimenters, Codes of ethics, Balanced outlook on. The challenger case study, Multinational corporations,Environmental ethics, computer ethics,Weapons development, engineers as managers, consulting engineers, engineers as expert witnesses and advisors, moral leadership, sample code of Ethics like ASME, ASCE, IEEE,Institution of Engineers(India), Indian Institute of Materials Management, Institution of electronics and telecommunication engineers(IETE), India, etc.
Module V
Introduction, a framework for considering leadership,entrepreneurial and moral leadership, vision, people selection and development, cultural dimensions of leadership, style,followers, crises. Growing as a leader, turnaround leadership, gaining control,trust,managing diverse stakeholders, crisis management Implications of national culture and multicultural leadership,Types of Leadership, Leadership Traits. Leadership Styles, VUCA Leadership, DART Leadership,Transactional vs Transformational Leaders, Leadership Grid,Effective Leaders, making of a Leader, Formulate Leadership
Text Books
Life Skills for Engineers, Complied by ICT Academy of Kerala, McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Ltd., 2016
Business Economics
Course code:-HS 200 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Business Economics and its role in managerial decision making-meaning-scope-relevance-economic problems-scarcity Vs choice (2 Hrs)-Basic concepts in economics-scarcity, choice, resource allocation- Trade-off-opportunity cost-marginal analysis- marginal utility theory, Law of diminishing marginal utility -production possibility curve (2 Hrs)
Module II
Basics of Micro Economics I Demand and Supply analysis-equillibrium-elasticity (demand and supply) (3 Hrs.) -Production concepts-average product-marginal product-law of variable proportions- Production function-Cobb Douglas function-problems (3 Hrs.)
Module III
Basics of Micro Economics II Concept of costs-marginal, average, fixed, variable costs-cost curves-shut down point-long run and short run (3 Hrs.)- Break Even Analysis-Problem-Markets-Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly-Cartel and collusion (3 Hrs.).
Module IV
Basics of Macro Economics - Circular flow of income-two sector and multi-sector models- National Income Concepts-Measurement methods-problems-Inflation, deflation (4 Hrs.)-Trade cycles-Money-stock and flow concept-Quantity theory of money-Fischer’s Equation and Cambridge Equation -velocity of circulation of money-credit control methods-SLR, CRR, Open Market Operations-Repo and Reverse Repo rate-emerging concepts in money-bit coin (4 Hrs.).
Module V
Business Decisions I-Investment analysis-Capital Budgeting-NPV, IRR, Profitability Index, ARR, Payback Period (5 Hrs.)- Business decisions under certainty-uncertainty-selection of alternatives-risk and sensitivity- cost benefit analysis-resource management (4 Hrs.).
Module VI
Business Decisions II Balance sheet preparation-principles and interpretation-forecasting techniques (7 Hrs.)-business financing-sources of capital- Capital and money markets-international financing-FDI, FPI, FII-Basic Principles of taxation-direct tax, indirect tax-GST (2 hrs.). (
Text Books
1.Geetika, Piyali Ghosh and Chodhury, Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2015
2.Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Macroeconomics, Cengage Learning, 2006.
3.M.Kasi Reddy and S.Saraswathi, Economics and Financial Accounting.Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi.
Theory of Computation
Course code:-CS 301 Credits:-4 Slot:-A
Module I
Introduction to Automata Theory and its significance. Type 3 Formalism: Finite state automata – Properties of transition functions,Designing finite automata, NFA, Finite Automata with Epsilon Transitions, Equivalence of NFA and DFA, Conversion of NFA to DFA, Equivalence and Conversion of NFA with and without Epsilon Transitions.
Module II
Myhill-Nerode Theorem, Minimal State FA Computation. Finite State Machines with Output- Mealy and Moore machine (Design Only), Two- Way Finite Automata.Regular Grammar, Regular Expressions, Equivalence of regular expressions and NFA with epsilon transitions. Converting Regular Expressions to NFA with epsilon transitions Equivalence of DFA and regular expressions, converting DFA to Regular Expressions.
Module III
Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages, Applications of Pumping Lemma. Closure Properties of Regular sets (Proofs not required), Decision Problems related with Type 3 Formalism Type 2 Formalism:- Context-Free Languages (CFL), Context-Free Grammar (CFG), Derivation trees, Ambiguity, Simplification of CFG, Chomsky Normal Form, Greibach normal forms.
Module IV
Non-Deterministic Pushdown Automata (NPDA), design. Equivalence of acceptance by final state and empty stack in PDA. Equivalence between NPDA and CFG, Deterministic Push Down Automata, Closure properties of CFLs (Proof not required), Decision Problems related with Type 3 Formalism
Module V
Pumping Lemma for CFLs, Applications of Pumping Lemma.Type 1 Formalism: Context-sensitive Grammar. Linear Bounded Automata (Design not required) Type 0 Formalism: Turing Machine (TM) – Basics and formal definition, TMs as language acceptors, TMs as Transducers,Designing Turing Machines
Module VI
Variants of TMs -Universal Turing Machine, Multi- tape TMs, Non Deterministic TMs, Enumeration Machine (Equivalence not required), Recursively Enumerable Languages, Recursive languages,Properties of Recursively Enumerable Languages and Recursive Languages, Decidability and Halting Problem. Chomsky Hierarchy
Text Books:-
1.John E Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and Jeffrey D Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2007
2.John C Martin, Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, TMH, 2007
3.Michael Sipser, Introduction To Theory of Computation, Cengage Publishers, 2013
Course code:-CS 303 Credits:-3 Slot:-B
Module I
Introduction :System Software Vs. Application Software, Different System Software– Assembler, Linker, Loader, Macro Processor, Text Editor,Debugger, Device Driver, Compiler, Interpreter, Operating System(Basic Concepts only) SIC and SIC/XE Architecture, Addressing modes, SIC and SIC/XE Instruction set, Assembler Directives and Programming.
Module II
Assemblers:Basic Functions of Assembler. Assembler output format – Header,Text and End Records- Assembler data structures, Two pass assembler algorithm, Hand assembly of SIC/XE program, Machine dependent assembler features
Module III
Assembler design options:Machine Independent assembler features – program blocks, Control sections, Assembler design options- Algorithm for Single Pass assembler, Multi pass assembler, Implementation example of MASM Assembler
Module IV
Linker and Loader .Basic Loader functions - Design of absolute loader, Simple bootstrap Loader, Machine dependent loader features- Relocation, Program Linking, Algorithm and data structures of two pass Linking Loader, Machine dependent loader features, Loader Design Options.
Module V
Macro Preprocessor:-Macro Instruction Definition and Expansion. One pass Macro processor Algorithm and data structures, Machine Independent Macro Processor Features, Macro processor design options
Module VI
Device drivers: Anatomy of a device driver, Character and block device drivers,General design of device drivers Text Editors:Overview of Editing, User Interface, Editor Structure. Debuggers :-Debugging Functions and Capabilities, Relationship with other parts of the system, Debugging Methods- By Induction, Deduction and Backtracking.
Text Books:-
1. Leland L. Beck, System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming, 3/E,Pearson Education Asia, 1997.
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Course code:-CS 305 Credits:-3 Slot:-C
Module I
Evolution of microprocessors, 8086 Microprocessor - Architecture and signals, Memory organisation, Minimum and maximum mode of operation, Minimum mode Timing Diagram. Comparison of 8086 and 8088.
Module II
8086 Addressing Modes, 8086 Instruction set and Assembler Directives - Assembly Language Programming with Subroutines,Macros, Passing Parameters, Use of stack.
Module III
Interrupts - Types of Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routine.Handling Interrupts in 8086, Interrupt programming. Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086 - Programmable Interrupt Controller - 8259 - Architecture.
Module IV
Interfacing Memory, I/O, 8255 - Detailed study - Architecture, Control word format and modes of operation, Architecture and modes of operation of 8279 and 8257 (Just mention the control word, no need to memorize the control word format)
Module V
Microcontrollers - Types of Microcontrollers - Criteria for selecting a microcontroller - Example Applications. Characteristics and Resources of a microcontroller. Organization and design of these resources in a typical microcontroller - 8051. 8051 Architecture, Register Organization, Memory and I/O addressing, Interrupts and Stack.
Module VI
8051 Addressing Modes, Different types of instructions and Instruction Set, Simple programs.Peripheral Chips for timing control - 8254/8253.
Text Books:-
1. Bhurchandi and Ray, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, Third Edition McGraw Hill, 2012
2. Raj Kamal, Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design,Pearson Education, 2011.
3. Douglas V. Hall, SSSP Rao, Microprocessors and Interfacing, Third Edition, McGrawHill Education, 2012.
Course code:-CS 307 Credits:-3 Slot:-D
Module I
Data Transmission: Communication model Simplex, half duplex and full duplex transmission - Periodic Analog signals: Sine wave, phase,wavelength, time and frequency domain, bandwidth - Digital Signals; Digital data Transmission:- Analog and Digital data, Analog and Digital signals, Analog andDigital transmission – Transmission Impairments: Attenuation, Delay distortion, Noise - Channel capacity: Nyquist Bandwidth, Shannons Capacity formula.
Module II
Transmission media - Guided Transmission Media: Twisted pair,Coaxial cable, optical fiber, Wireless Transmission, Terrestrial microwave, Satellite microwave. Wireless Propagation: Ground wave propagation, Sky Wave propagation, LoS Propagation.
Module III
Signal Encoding techniques - Digital Data Digital Signals: NRZ,Multilevel binary, Biphase - Digital Data Analog Signals : ASK,FSK, PSK - Analog Data Digital Signals: Sampling theorem, PCM,Delta Modulation - Analog Data Analog Signals: AM, FM, PM.
Module IV
Multiplexing- Space Division Multiplexing-Frequency DivisionMultiplexing: Wave length Division Multiplexing - Time Division multiplexing: Characteristics, Digital Carrier system, SONET/SDHStatistical time division multiplexing: Cable Modem - Code Division Multiplexing. Multiple Access– CDMA.
Module V
Digital Data Communication Techniques - Asynchronous transmission, Synchronous transmission-Detecting and Correcting Errors-Types of Errors-Error Detection: Parity check, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) - Error Control Error Correction: Forward Error Correction and Hamming Distance.
Module VI
Spread Spectrum Techniques-Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS).Basic principles of switching - Circuit Switched Networks,Structure of Circuit Switch - Packet Switching: Datagram Networks, Virtual Circuit Networks, Structure of packet switches.
Text Books:-
1. Curt M. White, Fundamentals of Networking and Communication 7/e, Cengage learning.[Chapter 3,4,9,10]
2. Forouzan B. A., Data Communications and Networking, 5/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.[Chapters:3,4, 5, 6,7,8]
3. Schiller J., Mobile Communications, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2009. [Chapters:2,3]
4. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communication 9/e, Pearson Education, Inc.[Chapters: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
Course code:-CS 309 Credits:-3 Slot:-E
Module I
Introductory concepts - What is graph – Application of graphs – finite and infinite graphs – Incidence and Degree – Isolated vertex, pendent vertex and Null graph. Paths and circuits – Isomorphism, sub graphs,walks, paths and circuits, Connected graphs, disconnect graphs.
Module II
Euler graphs, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, Diracs theorem for Hamiltonicity, Travelling salesman problem. Directed graphs – types of digraphs,Digraphs and binary relation
Module III
Trees – properties, pendent vertex, Distance and centres - Rooted and binary tree, counting trees,spanning trees.
Module IV
Vertex Connectivity, Edge Connectivity, Cut set and Cut Vertices, Fundamental circuits, Planar graphs, Different representation of planar graphs, Eulers theorem, Geometric dual, Combinatorial dual.
Module V
Matrix representation of graphs- Adjacency matrix, Incidence Matrix, Circuit matrix, Fundamental Circuit matrix and Rank, Cut set matrix, Path matrix
Module VI
Graphs theoretic algorithms - Algorithm for computer representation of a graph, algorithm for connectedness and components, spanning tree,shortest path.
Text Books:-
1. NarasinghDeo, Graph theory, PHI.
2. Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice Hall India Ltd.
3. Robin J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Longman Group Ltd.
Design Project
Course code:- **341 Credits:-4 Slot:-S
** means ME,CS,IT,CE,EE
Course Plan
Take minimum three simple products, processes or techniques in the area of specialisation, study, analyse and present them. The analysis shall be focused on functionality, strength, material, manufacture/construction, quality, reliability, aesthetics, ergonomics, safety, maintenance, handling, sustainability, cost etc. whichever are applicable. Each student in the group has to present individually; choosing different products, processes or techniques.
The project team shall identify an innovative product, process or technology and proceed with detailed design. At the end, the team has to document it properly and present and defend it. The design is expected to concentrate on functionality, design for strength is not expected.
The one hour/week allotted for tutorial shall be used for discussions and presentations. The project team (not exceeding four) can be students from different branches, if the design problem is multidisciplinary.
First evaluation ( Immediately after first internal examination ) --> 20 marks
Second evaluation ( Immediately after second internal examination) -->20 marks
Final evaluation ( Last week of the semester) -->60 marks
Note: All the three evaluations are mandatory for course completion and for awarding the final grade.
Course code:-CS 361 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Introduction to Soft Computing Artificial neural networks - biological neurons, Basic models of artificial neural networks – Connections, Learning, Activation Functions, McCulloch and Pitts Neuron, Hebb network.
Module II
Perceptron networks – Learning rule – Training and testing algorithm, Adaptive Linear Neuron, Back propagation Network –Architecture, Training algorithm
Module III
Fuzzy logic - fuzzy sets - properties - operations on fuzzy sets,fuzzy relations - operations on fuzzy relations
Module IV
Fuzzy membership functions, fuzzification, Methods of membership value assignments – intuition – inference – rank ordering, Lambda –cuts for fuzzy sets, Defuzzification methods
Module V
Truth values and Tables in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy propositions,Formation of fuzzy rules - Decomposition of rules – Aggregation of rules, Fuzzy Inference Systems - Mamdani and Sugeno types, Neuro-fuzzy hybrid systems – characteristics - classification
Module VI
Introduction to genetic algorithm, operators in genetic algorithm -coding - selection - cross over – mutation, Stopping condition for genetic algorithm flow, Genetic-neuro hybrid systems, GeneticFuzzy rule based system
Text Books:-
1. S. N. Sivanandam and S. N.Deepa, Principles of soft computing – John Wiley and Sons,2007.
2. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with engineering applications , John Wiley and Sons, 2016.
Signals and Systems
Course code:-CS 363 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Signals and systems – introduction – basic operations on signals –continuous time and discrete time signals –step, impulse, ramp,exponential and sinusoidal functions.
Module II
Continuous time and discrete time systems –properties of systems– linearity, causality, time invariance, memory, stability,invertibility. Linear time invariant systems – convolution.
Module III
Z-transform – region of convergence – properties of Z-transform –inverse Z-transform. Fourier transform (FT) of discrete time signals – properties of FT – relation between Z-transform and FT.
Module IV
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) - Properties of DFT – inverse DFT - Fast Fourier transform (FFT) - Radix-2 FFT algorithms –butterfly structure.
Module V
Digital filter structures – block diagram and signal flow graph representation – structures for IIR – direct form structure –Cascade form structure – parallel form structure – lattice structure.
Module VI
Structures for FIR – direct form structures – direct form structure of linear phase system – cascade form structure – frequency sampling structure – lattice structure.
Text Books:-
1. M.N. Bandyopadhyaya , Introduction to Signals and Systems and Digital Signal Processing, PHI, 2005.
2. S.D. Apte, Digital Signal Processing , Wiley India, 2012.
Course code:-CS 365 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Decision-making procedure under certainty and under uncertainty -Operations Research-Probability and decision- making- Queuing or Waiting line theory-Simulation and Monte- Carlo Technique- Nature and organization of optimization problems- Scope and hierarchy of optimization- Typical applications of optimization.
Module II
Essential features of optimization problems - Objective functionContinuous functions - Discrete functions - Unimodal functions - Convex and concave functions, Investment costs and operating costs in objective function - Optimizing profitably constraints-Internal and external constraints-Formulation of optimization problems. Continuous functions - Discrete functions - Unimodal functions - Convex and concave functions.
Module III
Necessary and sufficient conditions for optimum of unconstrained functions-Numerical methods for unconstrained functions - Onedimensional search - Gradient-free search with fixed step size. Linear Programming - Basic concepts of linear programming - Graphical interpretation-Simplex method - Apparent difficulties in the Simplex method.
Module IV
Transportation Problem, Loops in transportation table, Methods of finding initial basic feasible solution, Tests for optimality. Assignment Problem, Mathematical form of assignment problem, methods of solution.
Module V
Network analysis by linear programming and shortest route, maximal flow problem. Introduction to Non-traditional optimization,Computational Complexity – NP-Hard, NP-Complete. Tabu SearchBasic Tabu search, Neighborhood, Candidate list, Short term and Long term memory
Module VI
Genetic Algorithms- Basic concepts, Encoding, Selection, Crossover,Mutation. Simulated Annealing - Acceptance probability, Cooling, Neighborhoods, Cost function. Application of GA and Simulated Annealing in solving sequencing and scheduling problems and Travelling salesman problem.
Text Books:-
1. G. Zapfel, R. Barune and M. Bogl, Meta heuristic search concepts: A tutorial with applications to production and logistics, Springer, 2010.
2. Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research – An introduction, Pearson Education, 2010.
3. Rao S.S., Optimization Theory and Applications, Wiley Eastern, 1984.
Logic for Computer Science
Course code:-CS 367 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Introductory Concepts: Mathematical Logic, Propositional Logic,FirstOrder Logic, Modal and Temporal logic, Program Verification. (Reading: Ben-Ari, Chapter 1) Propositional Logic: Formulae and interpretations, Equivalence, Satisfiability and Validity, Semantic Tableaux, Soundness and Completeness. (Reading: Ben-Ari, Chapter 2 except 2.4, Additional Reading : Singh, Chapter 1)
Module II
The Hilbert Deductive System, Derived Rules, Theorems and operators, Soundness and Completeness, Consistency. (Reading:Ben-Ari, Chapter 3 except 3.7 and 3.8, Additional Reading :Singh, Chapter 1)Resolution in Propositional Logic: Conjunctive Normal form, Clausal form, resolution rule. (Reading: Ben-Ari, Chapter 4.1,4,2, 4.3, Additional Reading :Singh,Chapter 1)
Module III
Binary Decision Diagrams: Definition, Reduced and ordered BDD,Operators. (Reading: Ben-Ari, Chapter 5.1 – 5.5)Predicate Logic: Relations, predicates, formulae and interpretation,logical equivalence, semantic tableaux, soundness.Reading: BenAri,Chapter 7.1-7.6, Additional Reading : Singh, Chapter 2)
Module IV
The Hilbert deduction system for predicate logic. Functions, PCNFand clausal form, Herbrand model. Resolution in predicate logic:ground resolution, substitution, unification, general resolution.Reading: Ben-Ari, Chapter 8.1-8.4, 9.1, 9.3, 10.1-10.4,Additional Reading : Singh, Chapter 2, Chapter 3)
Module V
Temporal logic: Syntax and semantics, models of time, linear time temporal logic, semantic tableaux.Deduction system of temporal logic.(Reading: Ben-Ari, Chapter 13.1-13.5, 14.1-14.2)
Module VI
Program Verification: Need for verification, Framework for verification, Verification of sequential programs, deductive system,verification, synthesis.(Reading: Ben-Ari, Chapter 15.1-15.4, Additional Reading :Singh, Chapter 5) Modal Logic: Need for modal logic, Case Study: Syntax and Semantics of K, Axiomatic System KC,(Reading: Singh, Chapter 6.1-6.3)
Text Books:-
1. Arindhama Singh, Logics for Computer Science, Prentice Hall India, 2004.
2. Modechai Ben-Ari, Mathematical Logic for Computer Science, Springer, 3/e, 2012
Digital System Testing & Testable Design
Course code:-CS 369 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Fundamentals of Testing: Testing and Diagnosis, testing at different levels of abstraction, errors and faults, modeling and evaluation,types of testing, test generation Modeling: Functional modeling at logic level, functional modeling at register level and structural models.
Module II
Fault Modeling : Logic fault models, Fault detection and redundancy, Fault equivalence and fault location, fault dominance, single stuck faults, multiple stuck fault models .
Module III
Combinational circuit test generation: ATG for SSFs in combinational circuits – fault oriented ATG- fault independent ATGrandom test generation, Sensitized path, D-algorithm, PODEM and FAN.
Module IV
Transportation Problem, Loops in transportation table, Methods of finding initial basic feasible solution, Tests for optimality. Assignment Problem, Mathematical form of assignment problem, methods of solution.
Module V
Sequential circuit test generation: ATPG for single clock synchronous circuits, time frame expansion method, simulation based sequential circuit ATPG – genetic algorithm.
Module VI
Design for Testability: introduction to testability, design for testability techniques, controllability and observability by means of scan registers, generic scan based designs – scan path, boundary scan,Introduction to BIST.
Text Books:-
1. Alexander Miczo, Digital Logic Testing and Simulation, Wiley, 2e, 2003.
2. Michael L. Bushnell and Vishwani D. Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits, Springer, 2002.
System Software Lab
Course code:-CS 331 Credits:-1 Slot-T
List of Exercises Experiments (Minimum of 12 mandatory)
Part A
1. Simulate the following non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithms to find turnaround time and waiting time.
b) SJF
c) Round Robin (pre-emptive)
d) Priority
2. Simulate the following file allocation strategies.
a) Sequential
b) Indexed
c) Linked
3. Implement the different paging techniques of memory management.
4. Simulate the following file organization techniques *
a) Single level directory
b) Two level directory
c) Hierarchical
5. Implement the banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance.*
6. Simulate the following disk scheduling algorithms. *
7. Simulate the following page replacement algorithms
c) LFU
8. Implement the producer-consumer problem using semaphores. *
9. Write a program to simulate the working of the dining philosopher’s problem.*
Part B
10. Implement the symbol table functions: create, insert, modify, search, and display.
11. Implement pass one of a two pass assembler. *
12. Implement pass two of a two pass assembler. *
13. Implement a single pass assembler. *
14. Implement a two pass macro processor *
15. Implement a single pass macro processor.
16. Implement an absolute loader.
17. Implement a relocating loader.
18. Implement pass one of a direct-linking loader.
19. Implement pass two of a direct-linking loader.
20. Implement a simple text editor with features like insertion / deletion of a character, word,and sentence.
21. Implement a symbol table with suitable hashing.*
Course code:-CS 333 Credits:-1 Slot-U
List of Exercises Experiments
1. Creation of a database using DDL commands and writes DQL queries to retrieve information from the database.
2. Performing DML commands like Insertion, Deletion, Modifying, Altering, and Updating records based on conditions.
3. Creating relationship between the databases. *
4. Creating a database to set various constraints. *
5. Practice of SQL TCL commands like Rollback, Commit, Savepoint.
6. Practice of SQL DCL commands for granting and revoking user privileges.
7. Creation of Views and Assertions *
8. Implementation of Build in functions in RDBMS *
9. Implementation of various aggregate functions in SQL *
10. Implementation of Order By, Group By and Having clause. *
11. Implementation of set operators, nested queries and Join queries
12. Implementation of various control structures using PL/SQL *
13. Creation of Procedures and Functions *
14. Creation of Packages *
15. Creation of database Triggers and Cursors *
16. Practice various front-end tools and report generation.
17. Creating Forms and Menus
18. Mini project (Application Development using Oracle/ MySQL using Database connectivity)*
a. Inventory Control System.
b. Material Requirement Processing.
c. Hospital Management System.
d. Railway Reservation System.
e. Personal Information System.
f. Web Based User Identification System.
g. Timetable Management System.
h. Hotel Management System.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Course code:-CS302 Credits:-4 Slot:-A
Module I
Introduction to Algorithm AnalysisTime and Space ComplexityElementary operations and Computation of Time ComplexityBest, worst and Average Case Complexities- Complexity Calculation of simple algorithms Recurrence Equations:Solution of Recurrence Equations – Iteration Method and Recursion Tree Methods
Module II
Master’s Theorem(Proof not required) – examples, Asymptotic Notations and their properties- Application of Asymptotic Notations in Algorithm Analysis- Common Complexity Functions AVL Trees – rotations, Red-Black Trees insertion and deletion (Techniques only; algorithms not expected). B-Trees – insertion and deletion operations. Sets- Union and find operations on disjoint sets.
Module III
Graphs – DFS and BFS traversals, complexity, Spanning trees – Minimum Cost Spanning Trees, single source shortest path algorithms, Topological sorting, strongly connected components.
Module IV
Divide and Conquer:The Control Abstraction, 2 way Merge sort, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication, Analysis Dynamic Programming : The control Abstraction- The Optimality Principle- Optimal matrix multiplication, Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Module V
Analysis, Comparison of Divide and Conquer and Dynamic Programming strategies Greedy Strategy: - The Control Abstraction- the Fractional Knapsack Problem, Minimal Cost Spanning Tree Computation- Prim’s Algorithm – Kruskal’s Algorithm
Module VI
Back Tracking: -The Control Abstraction – The N Queen’s Problem, 0/1 Knapsack Problem Branch and Bound:Travelling Salesman Problem. Introduction to Complexity Theory :-Tractable and Intractable Problems- The P and NP Classes- Polynomial Time Reductions -The NP- Hard and NP-Complete Classes
Text Books:-
1. Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, SanguthevarRajasekaran, Computer Algorithms, Universities Press, 2007 [Modules 3,4,5]
2. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2009 [Modules 1,2,6]
Compiler Design
Course code:-CS304 Credits:-3 Slot:-B
Module I
Introduction to compilers – Analysis of the source program, Phases of a compiler, Grouping of phases, compiler writing tools – bootstrapping Lexical Analysis: The role of Lexical Analyzer, Input Buffering, Specification of Tokens using Regular Expressions, Review of Finite Automata, Recognition of Tokens.
Module II
Syntax Analysis: Review of Context-Free Grammars – Derivation trees and Parse Trees, Ambiguity. Top-Down Parsing: Recursive Descent parsing, Predictive parsing, LL(1) Grammars.
Module III
Bottom-Up Parsing: Shift Reduce parsing – Operator precedence parsing (Concepts only) LR parsing – Constructing SLR parsing tables, Constructing, Canonical LR parsing tables and Constructing LALR parsing tables.
Module IV
Syntax directed translation: Syntax directed definitions, Bottom- up evaluation of Sattributed definitions, L- attributed definitions, Top-down translation, Bottom-up evaluation of inherited attributes. Type Checking : Type systems, Specification of a simple type checker.
Module V
Run-Time Environments: Source Language issues, Storage organization, Storageallocation strategies. Intermediate Code Generation (ICG): Intermediate languages – Graphical representations, ThreeAddress code, Quadruples, Triples. Assignment statements, Boolean expressions.
Module VI
Code Optimization:Principal sources of optimization, Optimization of Basic blocks Code generation: Issues in the design of a code generator. The target machine, A simple code generator.
Text Books:-
1. Aho A. Ravi Sethi and D Ullman. Compilers – Principles Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley, 2006.
2. D. M.Dhamdhare, System Programming and Operating Systems,Tata McGraw Hill and Company, 1996.
Computer Networks
Course code:-CS306 Credits:-C Slot:-C
Module I
Introduction – Uses – Network Hardware – LAN –MAN – WAN, Internetworks – Network Software – Protocol hierarchies – Design issues for the layers – Interface and Service – Service Primitives. Reference models – OSI – TCP/IP.
Module II
Data Link layer Design Issues – Flow Control and ARQ techniques. Data link Protocols – HDLC. DLL in Internet. MAC Sub layer – IEEE 802 FOR LANs and MANs, IEEE 802.3, 802.4, 802.5. Bridges - Switches – High Speed LANs - Gigabit Ethernet. Wireless LANs - 802.11 a/b/g/n, 802.15.PPP
Module III
Network layer – Routing – Shortest path routing, Flooding, Distance Vector Routing, Link State Routing, RIP, OSPF, Routing for mobile hosts.
Module IV
Congestion control algorithms – QoS. Internetworking – Network layer in internet. IPv4 - IP Addressing – Classless and Classfull Addressing. Sub-netting.
Module V
Internet Control Protocols – ICMP, ARP, RARP, BOOTP. Internet Multicasting – IGMP, Exterior Routing Protocols – BGP. IPv6 – Addressing – Issues, ICMPv6.
Module VI
Transport Layer – TCP and UDP. Application layer –FTP, DNS, Electronic mail, MIME, SNMP. Introduction to World Wide Web.
Text Books:-
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4/e, PHI.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 4/e, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Dave, Computer Networks-A Systems Approach, 5/e, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
Software Engineering and Project Management
Course code:-CS308 Credits:-3 Slot:-D
Module I
Introduction to software engineering- scope of software engineering – historical aspects, economic aspects, maintenance aspects, specification and design aspects, team programming aspects. Software engineering a layered technology – processes, methods and tools. Software process models – prototyping models, incremental models, spiral model, waterfall model.
Module II
Process Framework Models: Capability maturity model (CMM), ISO 9000. Phases in Software development – requirement analysis- requirements elicitation for software, analysis principles, software prototyping, specification.
Module III
Planning phase – project planning objective, software scope, empirical estimation models- COCOMO, single variable model, staffing and personal planning. Design phase – design process, principles, concepts, effective modular design, top down, bottom up strategies, stepwise refinement.
Module IV
Coding – programming practice, verification, size measures, complexity analysis, coding standards. Testing – fundamentals, white box testing, control structure testing, black box testing, basis path testing, code walk-throughs and inspection, testing strategies-Issues, Unit testing, integration testing, Validation testing, System testing.
Module V
Maintenance-Overview of maintenance process, types of maintenance. Risk management: software risks - risk identification-risk monitoring and management. Project Management concept: People – Product-Process-Project.
Module VI
Project scheduling and tracking: Basic concepts-relation between people and effort-defining task set for the software project-selecting software engineering task Software configuration management: Basics and standards User interface design - rules. Computer aided software engineering tools - CASE building blocks, taxonomy of CASE tools, integrated CASE environment.
Text Books:-
1. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, University of Lancaster, Pearson Education, Seventh edition, 2004.
2. K. K.Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, New age International Publishers, Second edition, 2005.
Principles of Management
Course code:-HS300 Credits:-3 Slot:-E
Module I
Introduction to Management: definitions, managerial roles and functions; Science or Art perspectives- External environment-global, innovative and entrepreneurial perspectives of Management (3 Hrs.)– Managing people and organizations in the context of New Era- Managing for competitive advantage - the Challenges of Management (3 Hrs.)
Module II
Early Contributions and Ethics in Management: Scientific Management- contributions of Taylor, Gilbreths, Human Relations approach-contributions of Mayo, McGregors Theory, Ouchis Theory Z (3 Hrs.) Systems Approach, the Contingency Approach, the Mckinsey 7-S Framework Corporate Social responsibility- Managerial Ethics. (3 Hrs)
Module III
Planning: Nature and importance of planning, -types of plans (3 Hrs.)- Steps in planning, Levels of planning - The Planning Process. – MBO (3 Hrs.).
Module IV
Organising for decision making: Nature of organizing, organization levels and span of control in management Organisational design and structure –departmentation, line and staff concepts (3 Hrs.) Limitations of decision making-Evaluation and selecting from alternatives- programmed and non programmed decisions - decision under certainty, uncertainty and risk-creative process and innovation (3 Hrs.)
Module V
Staffing and related HRD Functions: definition, Empowerment, staff – delegation, decentralization and recentralisation of authority – Effective Organizing and culture-responsive organizations –Global and entrepreneurial organizing (3 Hrs.) Manager inventory chart-matching person with the job-system approach to selection (3 Hrs.) Job design-skills and personal characteristics needed in managers-selection process, techniques and instruments (3 Hrs.)
Module VI
Leading and Controlling: Leading Vs Managing – Trait approach and Contingency approaches to leadership - Dimensions of Leadership (3 Hrs.) - Leadership Behavior and styles – Transactional and Transformational Leadership (3 Hrs.) Basic control process- control as a feedback system – Feed Forward Control – Requirements for effective control – control techniques – Overall controls and preventive controls – Global controlling (3 Hrs.)
Text Books:-
1.Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill Companies, 10th Edition.
Comprehensive Exam
Course code:-** 352 Credits:-2 Slot-U
** means ME,CS,IT,CE,EEE
Oral examination – To be conducted weekly during the slot allotted for the course in the curriculum (@ three students/hour) – 50 marks Written examination - To be conducted by the Dept. immediately after the second internal examination– common to all students of the same branch – objective type ( 1 hour duration)– 50 multiple choice questions ( 4 choices) of 1 mark each covering all the courses up to and including semester V – no negative marks – 50 marks.
Note: Both oral and written examinations are mandatory. But separate minimum marks is not insisted for pass. If a students does not complete any of the two assessments, grade I shall be awarded and the final grade shall be given only after the completion of both the assessments. The two hours allotted for the course may be used by the students for library reading and for oral assessment.
Expected outcome .The students will be confident in discussing the fundamental aspects of any engineering problem/situation and give answers in dealing with them.
Computer Vision
Course code:-CS362 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Image formation and Image model- Components of a vision system- Cameras- camera model and camera calibrationRadiometry- Light in space- Light in surface - Sources, shadows and shading.
Module II
Multiple images-The Geometry of multiple views- StereopsisAffine structure from motion- Elements of Affine Geometry Affine structure and motion from two images- Affine structure and motion from multiple images- From Affine to Euclidean images.
Module III
High level vision- Geometric methods- Model based visionObtaining hypothesis by pose consistency, pose clustering and using Invariants, Verification.
Module IV
Introduction to pattern and classification, supervised and unsupervised learning, Clustering Vs classification, Bayesian Decision Theory- Minimum error rate classification Classifiers, discriminant functions, decision surfaces- The normal density and discriminant-functions for the Normal density.
Module V
Linear discriminant based classifiers and tree classifiers Linear discriminant function based classifiers- PerceptronMinimum Mean Squared Error (MME) method, Support Vector machine, Decision Trees: CART, ID3.
Module VI
Unsupervised Methods Basics of Clustering; similarity / dissimilarity measures; clustering criteria. Different distance functions and similarity measures, K-means algorithm. Recent Advances in Pattern Recognition Neural network structures for pattern recognition, Pattern classification using Genetic Algorithms.
Text Books:-
1. Bernd Jahne and Horst HauBecker, Computer vision and Applications, Academic press, 2000.
2. David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce, Computer vision – A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Mobile Computing
Course code:-CS364 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Introduction to mobile computing, Middleware and Gateways, Application and services, Internet-Ubiquitous networks, Architecture and three-tier architecture for Mobile Computing, Design consideration for Mobile Computing.
Module II
Spread spectrum – Direct sequence, Frequency hoping. Medium Access Control - SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Cellular concepts- channel assignment strategy- hand off strategy interface and system capacity- improving coverage and capacity in cellular system, Satellite Systems-GEO, LEO, MEO. Wireless Communication Systems- Telecommunication Systems- GSMGSM services and features, architecture -DECT features and characteristics, architecture.
Module III
Wireless LANS: Wireless LAN Standards – IEEE 802 Protocol Architecture, IEEE 802.11 System Architecture, Protocol Architecture and Services, Cellular Networks: Channel allocation, multiple access, location management, Handoffs. MAC Layer and Management, Routing - Classification of Routing Algorithms, Algorithms such as DSR, AODV, DSDV, Mobile Agents, Service Discovery.
Module IV
Mobile internet-mobile network layer-mobile IP-dynamic host configuration protocol-, mobile transport layer-implications of TCP on mobility-indirect TCP-snooping TCP- mobile TCP transmissionselective retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP- Support for mobility-file systems-WAP.
Module V
Mobile Transport Layer - Conventional TCP/IP Protocols, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Other Transport Layer Protocols for Mobile Networks. Protocols and Platforms for Mobile Computing - WAP, Bluetooth, XML, J2ME, JavaCard, PalmOS, Linux for Mobile Devices, Android.
Module VI
Security issues in mobile computing, Information Security, Components of Information Security, Next Generation NetworksLTE – Architecture and Interface – LTE radio planning and tools, 5G architecture, MIMO, Super core concept, Features and Application Case Study – Setting up anadhoc network system, LiFi.
Text Books:-
1. Asoke K. Talukder, Hasan Ahmad, Mobile Computing Technology- Application and Service Creation, 2 nd Edition, McGraw Hill Education.
2. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, Pearson Education Asia, 2008.
3. Jonathan Rodriguez , Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, ,Wiley Publishers, 2015
4. Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications Principles and Practice, 2/e, PHI, New Delhi, 2004.
Natural Language Processing
Course code:-CS366 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Introduction to Natural Language Understanding- Levels of language analysis- Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics. Linguistic Background- An Outline of English Syntax
Module II
Lexicons, POS Tagging, Word Senses. Grammars and Parsing- Features, Agreement and Augmented Grammars.
Module III
Grammars for Natural Language, Parsing methods and Efficient Parsing. Ambiguity Resolution- Statistical Methods. Probabilistic Context Free Grammar.
Module IV
Semantics and Logical Form: Linking Syntax and SemanticsAmbiguity Resolution- other Strategies for Semantic InterpretationScoping and the Interpretation of Noun Phrases.
Module V
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning- Local Discourse Context and Reference- Using World Knowledge- Discourse Structure- Defining a Conversational Agent.
Module VI
Applications- Machine Translation, Information Retrieval and Extraction, Text Categorization and Summarization.
Text Books:-
1. D. Jurafsky and J. H. Martin, Speech and Language Processing, Prentice Hall India, 2000
2. James Allen, Natural Language Understanding, 2e, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Redwood City, CA.
Web Technologies
Course code:-CS368 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Introduction to the Internet: The World Wide Web, Web Browsers, Web Servers, Uniform Resource Locators, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, The Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Common Gateway Interface(CGI), Content Management System – Basics Case Study: Apache Server, WordPress.
Module II
Introduction to HTML/XHTML : Origins and Evolution of HTML and XHTML, Basic Syntax of HTML, Standard HTML Document Structure, Basic Text Markup, Images, Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Forms, HTML5, Syntactic Differences between HTML and XHTML.
Module III
Introduction to Styles sheets and Frameworks Cascading Style Sheets: Levels of Style Sheets - Style Specification Formats, Selector Forms, Property-Value Forms, Font Properties, List Properties, Alignment of Text, Color, The Box Model, Background Images, The span and div Tags. Frameworks: Overview and Basics of Responsive CSS Frameworks - Bootstrap.
Module IV
Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery The Basics of JavaScript: Overview of JavaScript, Object Orientation and JavaScript, General Syntactic CharacteristicsPrimitives, Operations, and Expressions, Screen Output and Keyboard Input, Control Statements, Object Creation and Modification,Arrays, Functions. Callback Functions, Java Script HTML DOM. Introduction to jQuery: Overview and Basics.
Module V
Introduction to Data Interchange Formats XML: The Syntax of XML, XML Document Structure, Namespaces, XML Schemas, Displaying Raw XML Documents, Displaying XML Documents with CSS, XSLT Style Sheets, XML Applications. JSON(Basics Only): Overview, Syntax, Datatypes, Objects, Schema, Comparison with XML.
Module VI
Introduction to PHP: Origins and Uses of PHP, Overview of PHP -General Syntactic Characteristics - Primitives, Operations, and Expressions - Control Statements, Arrays, Functions, Pattern Matching, Form Handling, Cookies, Session Tracking.
Text Books:-
1. P. J. Deitel, H.M. Deitel, Internet and World Wide Web How To Program, 4/e, Pearson International Edition 2010.
2. Robert W Sebesta, Programming the World Wide Web, 7/e, Pearson Education Inc., 2014.
High Performance Computing
Course code:-CS372 Credits:-3 Slot:-F
Module I
Modern Processors : Stored Program Computer ArchitectureGeneral purpose cache- based microprocessor-Performance based metrics and benchmarks- Moore
Microprocessor Lab
Course code:-CS 332 Credits:-1 Slot-S
List of Exercises Experiments (Minimum of Exercises)
I. Assembly Language Programming Exercises/Experiments using 8086 Trainer kit
1. Implementation of simple decimal arithmetic and bit manipulation operations.*
2. Implementation of code conversion between BCD, Binary, Hexadecimal and ASCII.
3. Implementation of searching and sorting of 16-bit numbers.
4. Programming exercises using stack and subroutines.*
II. Exercises/Experiments using MASM (PC Required)
5. Study of Assembler and Debugging commands.
6. Implementation of decimal arithmetic( 16 and 32 bit) operations.*
7. Implementation of String manipulations.*
8. Implementation of searching and sorting of 16-bit numbers.
9. Implementation of Matrix operations like addition, transpose, multiplication etc
III. Interfacing Exercises/Experiments with 8086 trainer kit through Assembly Language Programming
10. Interfacing with stepper motor - Rotate through any given sequence.*
11. Interfacing with 8255 (mode0 and mode1 only).*
12. Interfacing with 8279 (Rolling message, 2 key lock out and N-key roll over implementation).*
13. Interfacing with 8253/54 Timer/Counter.
14. Interfacing with Digital-to-Analog Converter.*
15. Interfacing with Analog-to- Digital Converter.
16. Interfacing with 8259 Interrupt Controller.
IV. Exercises/Experiments using 8051 trainer kit
17. Familiarization of 8051 trainer kit by executing simple Assembly Language programs such as decimal arithmetic and bit manipulation.*
18. Implementation of Timer programming (in mode1).
19. Implementation of stepper motor interfacing, ADC/DAC interfacing and sensor interfacing with 8251 through Assembly Language programming.
Network Programming Lab
Course code:-CS 334 Credits:-1 Slot-T
List of Exercises Experiments (Minimum of 12 Experiments)
1. Getting started with Basics of Network configurations files and Networking Commands in Linux.
2. To familiarize and understand the use and functioning of System Calls used for Operating system and network programming in Linux.
3. Familiarization and implementation of programs related to Process and thread.
4. Implement the First Readers-Writers Problem.
5. Implement the Second Readers-Writers problem.
6. Implement programs for Inter Process Communication using PIPE, Message Queue and Shared Memory.
7. Implement Client-Server communication using Socket Programming and TCP as transport layer protocol.*
8. Implement Client-Server communication using Socket Programming and UDP as transport layer protocol.*
9. Implement a multi user chat server using TCP as transport layer protocol.*
10. Implement Concurrent Time Server application using UDP to execute the program at remoteserver. Client sends a time request to the server, server sends its system time back to the client. Client displays the result.*
11. Implement and simulate algorithm for Distance vector routing protocol.
12. Implement and simulate algorithm for Link state routing protocol.
13. Implement Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.*
14. Develop concurrent file server which will provide the file requested by client if it exists. If not server sends appropriate message to the client. Server should also send its process ID (PID) to clients for display along with file or the message.*
15. Using Wireshark observe data transferred in client server communication using UDP and identify the UDP datagram.
16. Using Wireshark observe Three Way Handshaking Connection Establishment, Data Transfer and Three Way Handshaking Connection Termination in client server communication using TCP.
17. Develop a packet capturing and filtering application using raw sockets.
18. Design and configure a network with multiple subnets with wired and wireless LANs using required network devices. Configure the following services in the network- TELNET, SSH, FTP server, Web server, File server, DHCP server and DNS server.*
19. Install network simulator NS-2 in any of the Linux operating system and simulate wired and wireless scenarios.
CS401 Computer Graphics
CS403 Programming Paradigms
CS405 Computer System Architecture
CS407 Distributed Computing
CS409 Cryptography and Network Security
CS431 Compiler Design Lab
CS461 Computational Geometry
CS463 Digital Image Processing
CS465 Bio Informatics
CS467 Machine Learning
CS469 Computational complexity
CS403 Programming Paradigms
CS405 Computer System Architecture
CS407 Distributed Computing
CS409 Cryptography and Network Security
CS431 Compiler Design Lab
CS461 Computational Geometry
CS463 Digital Image Processing
CS465 Bio Informatics
CS467 Machine Learning
CS469 Computational complexity
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