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Saturday, 25 July 2020

Top 10 Frameworks and Libraries For Mobile Application Developers 2020

1. Flutter

This is an excellent framework for developing cross-platform native mobile applications in 2020. Like GolangTensorFlow, and Angular, Flutter is also from Google, which uses Dart (another programming language from Google) and provides SDK for developing a cross-platform native mobile application.

It’s always been challenging to release your app to different platforms like 
AndroidiOS, and Windows Mobile, as you need to maintain separate codebase. Flutter solves that problem by allowing you to create mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices using the same codebase.

Flutter has seen a lot of growth in the last 2 years, and its now the #1 framework for developing native mobile apps

 Flutter for Cross-Platform app Development: to use or not to use ...

2. React Native

Apart from Flutter, if there is another framework you can check out for developing native cross-platform mobile apps, then they React Native. It uses React and JavaScript for producing high quality native mobile apps.

It’s the right choice for all web developers who wants to become a mobile app developer and already familiar with technologies like 
JavaScript and React. If you are one of them, then I suggest you learn React Native in 2020.

React Native Tutorial


3. Kotlin

Kotlin is a general-purpose programming language from JetBrains, the company behind tools like IntelliJIDEA, Reshaper, and PyCharm. If you don’t know, Kotlin is the official programming language for developing Android applications as announced by Google a couple of years ago.

It’s a beautiful, JVM based programming language and compatible with Java, another popular language for developing Android applications.

If you are serious about developing mobile apps for the Android platform, the world’s most popular mobile platform, then you should learn Kotlin.

Kotlin (@kotlin) | Twitter

4. Swift 5.1

Swift is another programming language from Apple which you can use to develop mobile applications for iOS (iPhone and iPad), macOS (MacBook Prob), watchOS (Apple Watch), tvOS (Apple TV), and beyond. It’s a simple, elegant, and powerful programming language, full of modern features developer loves.

Swift allows you to write safe code without compromising speed and performance. If you are serious about developing mobile applications for Apple products like iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro, then you should learn Swift 5.1 in 2020. Swift 5.1 also makes it easier to create and share a binary framework with others.
what developers expect with Swift 5.1


5. Native Script

If somehow you didn’t like React Native and Flutter and looking for alternatives, then you can also check out Native Script. NativeScript is a free and open-source framework to develop a mobile application for both Apple iOS and Google’s Android platform.

It allows you to build native mobile apps in both 
TypeScript and JavaScript and using Angular and Vuejs. If you are a frontend developer and already know frameworks like Angular or Vuejs, then Native Script can be the right choice for you.

NativeScript features deep integration with both Angular and Vuejs and allows you to write code on any language, which translates into JAvaScript like TypeScript or CoffeeScript.

 Native mobile apps with Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript, JavaScript ...

6. Android 10

This is the latest version of the Android platform. It was released on September 3, 2019, and unlike the previous Android version, it doesn’t have any sweet name like KitKat, Oreo, or Lollipop.

If you are interested in the Android platform or already an Android developer, you can learn Android 10 to learn new features like Dark Themes, Smart Reply, Gesture navigation, 5G Networks, Enhanced location, and privacy tools, etc.

You can also optimize your apps for foldable and other large-screen devices. If you are an Android developer or want to learn Android in 2020.

The next evolution of Android - YouTube

7. iOS 13

This is the latest release of the popular iOS platform, which powers the iPhone and iPad, two of the most powerful devices of humankind. I just updated my iPhone on iOS 13, and I am really impressed with sleek writing without lifting my finger.

It also comes with some exciting features developers have long been asking. For example, with the iOS 13 SDK, your app can take advantage of Dark Mode, Sign In with Apple, Core Data syncing with CloudKit, PencilKit, and more.

Weekly poll: is iOS 13 a worthwhile update for the iPhone? What ...

8. Ionic

This is another framework for developing hybrid mobile applications using JavaScript. Ionic also allows you to build cross-platform mobile apps, which means you can create an application for any platform using one codebase.

Ionic Framework is a free and open-source and provides a portable UI toolkit for developing high-quality cross-platforms apps for native 
iOSAndroid, and the web- all from the single codebase. It also has an Ionic React that leverages React for building hybrid mobile apps.
File:Ionic Logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons


9. Dart

If you want to learn Flutter, which you should, if you are serious about building cross-platform native mobile applications, then learning Dart could be beneficial for you because Dart is the programming language that powers Flutter.

If you don’t know, Dart is a programming language from Google aimed at developer productivity. Unlike Golang, another programming language from Google, Dart is in between 
Java and JavaScript, and you can learn it quickly if you are familiar with any of this language.

File:Dart programming language logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons

10. Xamarin

If you want to build a native mobile application with .NET and C#, then there is no better choice than Xamarin. Xamarin is a tried and tested platform and great for C# and .NET developer who wants to get into mobile application development.

By using Xamarin, you can build native Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Windows apps using .NET with native API access.

 Xamarin - Wikipedia

That’s all about some new frameworks, libraries, programming languages, and platforms you can learn in 2020 for Mobile application development. You don’t need to learn them all, Choose any one of them and master in it.


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